Well I had forgotten about him ...... which now makes me feel foolish " Smiling Joe " Anderson and "Deggsy" .... made for each other !
I can certainly remember the bus fares when he was in power. If I wanted to get into the centre of Liverpool it only cost 2p! However if caught a bus run by a different local authority to my sixth form college the fare was 45p. No wonder the city went bankrupt.
capitalism is great, untill you run out of the peoples good will. and capitalist need people more than people need capitalists.
Someone should tell our ‘conservative government’ this. they’re more Labour than Labour at the moment
and you would know how ? The land belongs to the lord not the Landlords, " other peoples money" gained / stolen / misappropriated on the back of other people don't you know Capitalism is pure evil.......... no other comment required.
Local and county councillors voting themselves inflation busting pay increases, plus expenses. Then claiming they have no money for essential services.
Have you been watching BLM, and decided that 400 yrs ago to blame people for taking your stuff isn’t long enough ago....