Must Have Xmas Present?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. So what is that one present that you would like to receive this Xmas?
  2. World peace
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  3. Realistic or fantasy ?
  4. just some time off will do for me.
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  5. I'll be made up if i receive one of these.
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  6. The end of Boris Johnson and his bunch of clowns.
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  7. Bass and an amp. i'm happy to wait untill my birthday to recieve some abilty and talent.
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  8. A freakin S2R Thou that runs for more than three minutes ! Awaiting crank position sensor
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. To have a hug :)
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  10. A job after just being made redundant :confused:
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  11. Complete overhaul of U.K. and world politics.

    I’ve got more chance of ploughing scarlett johansson
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  12. Not sure this thread went where you intended Tel! I’d still like a decent quality drone but it’s become a personal battle between us now, & I doubt that’ll be flying down the chimney this year o_O
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. leg fixed and a decent nights sleep ..... please?
  14. Being selfish, just for myself, I'd like something different, or a surprise.
    lady Nasher and myself haven't given each other Xmas or birthday presents for years, preferring when we had limited funds available years ago to spend what we had on our boys, and never got back to it. And everything comes out of a joint account anyway.

    So every year for @20yrs my Xmas gifts have been:
    A £15cheque from my mother, who we've now lost so that's no more - bless her.
    A CD and a Book from my boys.
    A box of Ferrero Rocher from the dog. I advise him on what to get Lady Nasher of course.
    A new pair of house slippers from my Inlaws.
    A bottle of wine from work, which I give away now because I don't drink any more.

    So yes, something small as a surprise would be nice.

    On the other hand, this year now the rules haven't changed the five of us(including the dog) will be together for a few days over Xmas for the first time this year, which will be wonderful.

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  15. Apart from just wanting to have a few drinks with friends and family, a new 2021 Crf450 would be nice but that's not happening.
  16. She kept calling me to meet up, id to block her number. Its true
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. One of these :upyeah: MV_Agusta_F4-8-1.jpg
  18. A guarantee from Santa of seeing West Ham lift the Prem Title or Champs league trophy in my lifetime.... i ain’t greedy, one or tother will do.. X
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  19. Oh.... And if it ain’t too much to ask Santa, to see Arsenal and Spurs relegated please.... Thank you.. X
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. 1200 Mutley Enduro. Oh wait ... already got one ☺️
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