What needs inventing?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. An electric donkey bottom biter.
  2. agreed..is that what Sonic is doing in your avatar?? "wheres my pedal pumped porcelain piss pot pedestal?"

    also, like many of the japanese toilets, what about an LED the points to surface of the water so that when said bog seat is lifted, it shines a blue light into the pan, thus eliminating the need to switch the bathroom lights on, which is both blinding and tends to wake one up....i would prefer a submerged light but i dont fancy changing the batteries...

    hell, you could even have a pish sensor, like a parking sensor that tells you the accuracy of your intended trajectory before urinary emission..

    and no, before anyone starts, im not taking the p1ss.
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  3. wire?
  4. I'd like to invent a global system of interconnected computers to serve several billion users worldwide. It would consist of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, from local to global scope, linking them by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.

    It would carry an extensive range of information resources and services, and would have the ability to send written text immediately. And you could look at porn on it.

    I'd call it "the internetz" :smile:
  5. A nice weather machine :cool:
  6. You know when you've opened your front door to some Jehovah's Witnesses, and with a smile on your face you invite them in, and you usher them down the corridor, and you pull the lever to open the trapdoor, and you hear the thuds as they hit the basement floor..........well if only someone could invent a really good return spring mechanism for the trapdoor - I've looked everywhere.
  7. like your thinking ^ we get a lot round here and i'm working on quicker and quicker deployment without being rude which is difficult sometimes. I've got it down to about 2 mins now.
  8. I find "Fuck Off" closely followed by a slamming door works quite well :upyeah:
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  9. Crash helmet with active noise reduction so you can hear the engine better.

  10. Release the hounds.
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  11. Just tell them you've had a blood transfusion.
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  12. If it's a bloke and a female then telling the bloke that his partner is very attractive and asking if he'd like to film you shagging her apparently moves them on pretty quickly.

    I'm not going to claim to have tried this for myself but I know someone who does make that claim and he's unhinged enough to make it believable.
  13. whats unhinged about it??

    or was she fat?
  14. I'm actually willing the JWs to show up to my place.

    I really fancy a good conversation where I tell them that i'm a complete atheist and get them to trot out all their ridiculous beliefs. That would be well worth coffee and biscuits. Sadly, not many JWs can be bothered to visit my village. All I get are strange people selling dodgy artworks or tea-towels. Not much to have a conversation about.
  15. Some beardie weirdie just knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to join some or other wildlife club. Why would I want to do that? I spend most of my time trying to kill the wildlife in my back yard...
  16. I love it when the JW's turn up and we can debate things. They are brainwashed beyond belief. It's so funny watching them get frustrated trying to put their point over. :biggrin:
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