Aren’t The British Wonderful?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Longdog, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. Are cancer deaths & suicides up? Do you have a link to a study, I'd like to read it.

    I have read that some perhaps many are concerned at the possibility of unknown consequences. I've certainly seen a great deal of that on social media which heightens fears, whether real or not.

    When in an emergency situation (I've been involved personally in several), its important to pull the people out of the burning building before worrying about whether other locals might suffer hunger as a result of nearby smoke damaged crops.
  2. I'm sorry fella, but you lost me at the above highlighted sentence. I can't really fathom how you think this is the case when they've forced most to house arrest and are paying people to sit around all day.

    Struggling to see how cash and business interest have at any point really been a priority or indeed how this Government would ever be considered 'conservative'..

    If it is a serious virus, then get your house in check. When you're (the gov) are posting inaccurate and wildly noisy data with no context to support your agenda and getting it wrong time and time again (not by small margins) either.... Not many who in my mind posses intellect would think that this isn't suspicious or at very least insulting to ones intelligence.
    I can't begin to understand how anyone can really tell if the virus is deadly or not amidst the death recordings and tests that test positive for a glass of Coke.
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  3. Current information indicates for every death there is double the amount of long term Covid patients. Of course this research is in its infancy, and there could easily be ten times more people affected, perhaps for life.
  4. The government went into lockdown too late and lifted it too early, making these decisions based on cash and not what was good for the public health.

    Steve R
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  5. Did you see the articles on the back packers beach party in Australia today. Allegedly some if not many were British, and may be subject to deportation. Embarrassing isn't it.
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  6. And how do we even know that lockdowns were required? How do we know that people are even dying of covid and indeed to what amount? because the tests are awful and anyone dying from anything seems to be a covid death.

    If it is as big and scary as you seem to think it is. I would applaud governments around the world to get sensible with the death recording and build a proper case with actual evidence (I know I know, what a dream that would be) as an absolute minimum. It's like me measuring my cock from the moon at the moment.

    I'm not denying it exists by the way, but this all makes a mockery of the whole thing. I work with the NHS and have seen it with my own eyes. What I am saying is that governments are elected to make educated RATIONAL decisions for the majority of the populous. To do that you need accurate data for a start and proper measures/studies of knock on effects to built a picture (the big picture). For example: it is no good trying to save 100 people if 200 people die because of your actions. We used to call it the plume effect. You simply shouldn't be making decisions based on duff data without proper studies into the knock on effects and collateral.

    I haven't seen a single thing that wouldn't get laughed out of most board meetings in terms of messy data to support their actions. Genuine accurate data with context would be nice (there really is little point otherwise).
    #46 Advikaz, Dec 29, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
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  7. Sigh.......

    What a fanny.....
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  8. Pants on fire.....
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  9. Utter bullshit Steve. If it were, they wouldn’t have pumped hundreds of billions into paying people to stay at home. You’re miles off the Mark there.
    If you and your mum are at risk, why are you selfish in expecting all the millions of sub 40 yr olds to lose their jobs, livelihoods and all sense of ‘living’?

    works both ways mate.
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  10. And how on earth do you know??
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  11. No. Love it :D
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  12. It’s bullshit tho, isn’t it. When someone else says ‘cancer deaths are up’ etc you demand links and studies (even tho it’s a medium term issue). Yes you believe this ‘could be’ nonsense with absolute fervour when it’s covid related.

    Covid is real. It makes old and vulnerable people very ill if they catch a bad one. And kills more than a similar dose of flu does. It barely touches the young for deaths. Although any longer term affects on the young, and old alike, are UNKNOWN

    in a population of 66m, we have had the unfortunate death of 60-70k people this year. We have also had c600k people die of other stuff. We have amassed more debt than WW2, which our kids (those selfish ones you lot talk about) will have to pay it back.
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  13. Too long dead.... :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. So, the Swiss can detect a noisy exhaust from several kilometres but not 200+ people slipping out of a resort. Presumably their busses/cars were the stealth variety, or did they teleport?
    #54 Stanford, Dec 29, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. I'm afraid that starting happening long before Covid. The virus just allowed a covert process to be legitimised and accelerated in plain sight.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. This is relevant, though by no means definitive.

    The suicide increases frequently mentioned on social media are discussed in the following article -again relevant but not definitive.
  17. Which begs the question, how much brain can you have at your disposal to come up with such nonsense. How on earth does it serve the interests of business to crash the economy, place possibly millions out of work, wreck the public finances for at least a generation and risk catastrophic tax rises that will send thousands of business abroad?

    It's a common myth of the left that wicked Tories and cigar puffing big business likes nothing better than grinding the poor man into the dirt. If you want to make money, you have to sell something to someone, whether it's a product or a service. You can't sell to people who haven't got any money, so the last thing an aspirant plutocrat wants is an impoverished society. You want the economy to be strong and as many people as possible to be as affluent as possible so you can trade with as many of them as possible, otherwise you either leave or go down with them.
    There is good reason why businesses like to base themselves in prosperous societies, not impoverished ones.

    This government, like every other government since the 80's, makes its decisions based on the short term electoral cycle, opinion polls, the 24 hr news cycle and the obsessions of the metropolitan media bubble - who do far better out of incompetent government than businesses do.
    #57 Finch, Dec 29, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2020
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  18. This extract taken from the NHS England website:

    Notice the total deaths - 0-60 - that had no pre existing condition - Total 377 (6+42+329). That is correct - 377.

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  19. Yep.

    deaths per year on average;

    Cancer 165,000
    Heart attacks and circ issues 170,000
    Pneumonia 30,000
    Flu 8-16000 (remembering that this fluctuates a lot.. we have some years very Very high levels of flu as seen in 1999/00, when there were 48,000 winter deaths

    Winter 2009/10 was exceptionally cold and yet had an average number of excess winter deaths at 26,000

    Excess winter deaths spike in 2014/15 at 44,000)

    just as an example.

    It’s always been suspicious to me that if you add pneumonia’s 30k to the flu’s 8-16k you’re left with a similar ish amount to covid... and noting that other causes of death have dropped allegedly a lot... remembering the scientists themselves have said that the covid death tally is miles out due to all the deaths that had nothing to do with covid but were bunged in to the stats regardless.

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  20. Just to add as well. I’m 30. At the amount (377) mentioned above, I am over twice as likely to die falling down the stairs... (from what I can see approx 787 per year).

    just food for thought for those acting like a meator the size of Dianne Abbots cock ups is heading for Earth

    and what 26610 road traffic deaths per year. I best not take any stairs or go anywhere near a car or bike CHRIST someone fetch the bubble wrap
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