Reg/rec Failing M900?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Mark9, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. I think my reg/rec is failing on my 1996 M900, yesterday I rode 2 miles an noticed that the voltage indicator I’ve got wired in was just showing battery voltage, usually shows a higher voltage around 14.2 with the engine running, I stopped and felt the reg/rec , it was very hot, rode back home and the battery light came on intermittently, lifted the tank and saw that the 30amp fuse to the right of the battery was blown, so I’ve cleaned all of the reg/rec connections and fitted a new 30amp fuse, it now appears to be charging normally showing 12.8v from the battery with the engine off and rising to 14.2 with the engine running, but now the battery light is staying solidly on with the engine running , so hopefully someone with a bit of knowledge on electrics could help?, is the battery light switched to off as a function of the reg/rec or is there something else in the system that could have failed ?, thanks Mark.
  2. I had a similar problem on my 900ss turned out to be a loose connection
    I don’t make the repair myself as I had booked it in for a replacement reg/rec when the loose connection was found.
    It’s been fine since.

    As to why the 30a fuse went is a bit of a mystery, fuses can blow for the simple reason of use through the heating and cooling effect over the years.
  3. There's too many sorrowful tales on this subject to mess about. Everything you need to know is all here on the site, including all the reasons why they fail, part numbers for the upgrade and how to step by step instructions. A quick search should find it all for you.

    I replaced mine just after I bought my bike. Low cost preventative maintenance.
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  4. which reg/rec did you buy Jez?
  5. I bought Shindengen reg/rec with a Triumph cable to make it easy as I recall. I wrote a post in a thread here somewhere too. All the info I followed originally came from Kato on the UK Monsters site, though I think he is here too @Kato

    Never had any issues since.
    This post ^^^ is definitive and explains everything.
    #5 Jez900ie, Jan 3, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2021
  6. Usually get faltering/erratic dash lights in advance of a failing regulator. Both times my 1098 has shown this first
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. Cheers Jez

    Thanks all
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  8. Thanks for mention Jez glad to be of assistance
    • Like Like x 1
  9. You're welcome. I'm not a fireman because of you! LOL
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