New 959 Owner (2 Days!) - Bike Won't Turn Over / Start

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by EliteStu, Dec 31, 2020.

  1. have you noted the comments about disconnecting and re-connecting before the ECU's have drained of voltage? call a Ducati dealer and they will tell you the exact length of time but I was told 20 mins minimum. and obv make sure you have a trickle charger that supports lithium charging for the new battery.
  2. Be careful while trying to start the bike with a low battery, kick back due to slow starter motor rotation will do the starter clutch no good.
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  3. Thanks for this Simon
  4. Ah..l good point indeed. I’m learning a lot here!
    Will check the CCA when I am back in the garage later. I’ve been told I need to get back to kitchen cupboard removal duties :triumph:
  5. Thanks. Yes indeed. I was going to ask further about this. I wondered what the symptoms would be if connecting the new one too soon? Would the dash still light up etc, as in my video? I am fairly sure I have left at least half an hour between connecting up the different batteries. Will certainly do that also when the new lithium arrives.
    And, yes, I have already bought an Optimate Lithium charger :upyeah:
  6. Noted. Many thanks.
  7. I believe you get nothing, like dead ignition.
  8. Great. Thanks. Then I believe no damage has been caused so far. I will tread carefully from this point.
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  9. If I were you I would stop fiddling and wait till the new Battery arrives.
    Keep SWMBO happy and fiddle with the kitchen cupboards
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  10. Or send the wife out and tell her not to come home without a new battery?
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  11. Yup. That’s what I am doing. It’s not worth all the faff and risk for the sake of a few days. :upyeah:
  12. :bucktooth::bucktooth::bucktooth:
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  13. Although I am going to hang on for the new battery I thought I would check the CCA on the Honda battery v the 959.
    The 959 battery has a CCA of 110 versus the Honda battery 160. So it would seem the Honda battery has the grunt (and it's only a few months old) but more likely from what you guys are saying, I won't be getting the juice down those thin optimiser cables.
    Looking at the spec of the Skyrich lithium battery I have ordered, the CCA on that is 190, so should be a decent upgrade on the old unit :cool:
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  14. I would also ensure that once you get the Lithium battery you also obtain & hook up an Optimate (or similar) lithium battery tender. Otherwise the drain from the tracker will quickly kill your new battery. DAMHIK; just to say my FE lives on an Optimate LiFePO4 tender
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  15. Thanks. Yes, I already have one. Picked up one of these a couple of days ago in readiness of the battery arrival:
  16. You'll need a lithium charger...didn't read whole thread if you already have one! Soz

    Okay I've caught up, hope things get sorted.
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  17. In the video it sounds like your fuel pump is running continuously?
  18. No, fuelpump stops in sec 7, then you hear APS
  19. Have you checked the kill switch?
  20. Not trying to be smart but what does the bike do with the kill switch ‘off’?

    In the video it sounds like you’ve got everything but a fire-up.

    All the battery comments are right. Make sure you’ve got the correct spec battery, in good condition, simply because many of the system parts need to work well at the right time.

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