i know, i was heartbroken to be honest but it is what it is. i'm glad i got hold of another one and to be fair it's in great nick. i've stripped the heads off the old one, cleaned them all up and managed to sell them, when i get a chance to do the same to the cases then hopefully it should pay a bit towards the new engine.
Hope you manage to recoup as much as possible on the old engine. You did well to get a low mileage replacement though, on the upside.
plumbed up the coolant and unfortunately it had more leaks than a Welsh market stall, do i need anymore justification to order a rather fetching set of red Samco hoses, no i ffing dont... oil and airbox now finished, only set back is when i emptied the coolant after trying the old hoses a shed load of crap came out so erring on the side of caution i've ordered more which i'm waiting for to arrive, throttle body in but for some reason, i'm not sure why so if anyone has any ideas they would be gratefully received, the throttle isnt snapping back, more a slowish return. i've tried all sorts of adjustements to the cable at both ends but no joy, brakes and clutch bled and ready, rear was a bitch, especially when i started to lose my patience and forgot to fill the reservoir taking in a load of air so having to start all over again, a fag and cup of tea sorted the patience which then in turn sorted the bleeding! exhaust on, and got bored due to the standstill from waiting for the coolant so sorted the fuel tank, new filter and good clean out of the pump etc. the tank has a ding which i'm not going to sort for a while, think i've spend enough so far, but i'll definately get it done before the end of the year. last thing done was to soak a rag in XCP and give it a good wipe all over, would hate to see any of the cleaned up parts go shitty again anytime soon once coolant has arrived (and a couple of the heatshield fixings) then it's new airfilters in and go for the start up! plastic cover on the clutch cover is coming off last, the grand unveiling!
"throttle body in but for some reason, i'm not sure why so if anyone has any ideas they would be gratefully received, the throttle isnt snapping back, more a slowish return. i've tried all sorts of adjustements to the cable at both ends but no joy" You will find out why with perseverance, As long as no-one's removed or loosened the "butterflys" from the spindle then can't be serious. First of all, is it cable or mechanism at throttle bodies? I'm sure you know what you're doing so (if cable) as long as cable run is straight/not kinked or damaged then it's either inside the hand throttle or sometimes the hand throttle sleeve snags either in the bore or where it abuts the main body where the cable sits. A temporary squirt of WD/GT etc usually confirms this on an old bollocker but appreciate you might not want to do this on a new build.
Nice Pete. The 675 I am doing had a sticky throttle due to a (well) bent clipon but if yours was good before won’t be that. Enjoying the build. Are you planning on taking it on track at all? Think my 748 may make a track appearance this year. HNY.
cheers Chris, i've cleaned the throttle body but not dismantled, plus when checking it before putting it back on it seemed fine. the cable is run fine so not worred about the routing but i'm wondering now if the cable itself is bent within the sleeve, i think i've got a spare so i might try swapping it over after double checking the body of the handle
happy new year to you mate, all the best! the clip on looks ok, i've jsut double checked the pics from when i had it off and doesnt look bent been a great little project to do, really enjoyed it. once this one is done i'll use it for the summer while stripping down the 916 and tarting that up. amazing how when you start to put a repainted bike back together, your current one starts looking shitty! it's definately going on track , i reckon your 748 would be a blast
haha i thought last night that i'll pop up to yours on it to get it MOT'd when i'm ready, at the same time i thought "wonder if he'll suggest the 45-50mm exhaust?" i totally agree it would but the budget has had a hammering, i'm not sure how much more it'll take
Hi Pete. Is the inner throttle cable ok? Will it move freely when not attached to the throttle bodies? Might be worth dripping oil into the inner cable to see if that helps... Ian
cheers Ian, i was thinking the same, i'll pop it off and check it over when i get 5. to be fair, even though it doesnt snap back it's not bad enough to be a real issue, just one of those things that'll piss you off if you know what i mean
Disconnect the cable from the throttle body then open and release the throttle valves if they snap shut the problems in the cable run, if they don’t the problems in the throttle bodies. edit: I just checked back to the beginning of the thread, the bike had been stored outside hadn’t it? The alloy throttle bodies corrode in damp air and the valves can then stick in the holes that seats them. I’d spray a penetrant/lubricant on the valve pivots as you move them open and closed that may solve your issue.
Yeh it was outside about 10 years I think. I have had the throttle body off and given it a good clean but I’ll def try what you’ve said and double check it’s snapping back, my gut tells me the problem is the cable itself, I hope it’s just the cable anyway, a little cheaper to fix!
Hi Pete, That looks amazing, enjoying following this build. Have you had the wheels & frame painted? If so who did it & do you know the paint code? Cheers
Thanks @TonyC I had them done at DW Automotive in Bristol, fella called Del runs it and does some fantastic work. The last time I was there he was halfway through doing some guys Harley tank with all the embellishments, not my bag but incredible work He gave me a pot of the paint with a little left so I could touch up a little chip I managed to put in the frame, I’ve no idea what the codes etc mean but took a pic for you this morning of the tin,