996 Resto: Hoping To The Give The Old Girl A New Chance In Life...

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Pete433, May 13, 2020.

  1. Did you pick up a new bike then Tony?
  2. No not yet, have been looking but prices seem a little out of whack at the moment....everyone has a future classic. This year could change that so continue to look.
    I’m getting a list of potential suppliers logged ready for a project.
    Cheers TC
  3. Good idea. Good luck with the search.
  4. I do! The more expensive the fairing, the more inclined I am to want to protect it!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Another impressive restoration!
    I was just looking at another equally impressive one on a yellow 916 over in the newbie section.
    Both bikes were in fairly shocking condition before the restorations began. Some nasty Ducati cruelty going on over there in the UK! Well, followed by impressive Ducati love and dedication
    • Like Like x 1
  6. so you protect your expensive carbon fairing by drilling holes in it for protectors?? sorry I don't follow this form of logic at all..
    sounds a little counter productive.. each to their own i guess...
  7. After a couple of whiskeys I'm actually pretty damn handy with a drill ! ;)
    Just one nice, perfectly round hole, just a little bigger than the crash protector. All very neat and tidy.
    You are correct that the expensive carbon fairing is no longer perfect and original, but one, perfect round hole beats random road rash scratches all over the fairing, in my books anyway
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