So I was playing some bike polo the other day in Elephant and Castle - London on a basket ball court which is just off the street. Parked my 848 evo at the end of the court on the main rd, completely visible at no more than 30/40 meters away from the court. I finish a game, and I get a phone call from rd angel asking if I've moved my bike, I look up and nothing to be seen. Some pricks had lifted it in broad daylight and buggered off. Anyway, after a while of chatting with police and searching some estate, they end up putting a pinhole camera into a garage and see it sitting there panels and battery ripped off, with another stolen GSXR and another ped. At least I've got my baby back!
Good news, if I lived in the smoke or any other big city I'd invest in something like that. I have very good security at home so I'm not too worried there, and obviously I won't post here what that consists of!
A Doberman normally works quite well!! Nice one for the OP. However, after such an incident, are you required to report the bike as stolen, or does the bike get reported as stolen/recovered by the Police and/or BikeTrac?
Thats what its there for. Your tracker has also helped get the other two bikes back. Scumbags and the highest margin. I'm very much looking into getting one
They were surprisingly gentle with it. They must have ripped off the seat first to get the tool kit and then unscrewed all the bolts from the fairing. Quite lucky really!
Thats good that you got it back. I am now making it a rule that each new bike I buy I am sticking a tracker on it. Its £300 for the tracker. Its £300 for an alarm. The tracker is where my money goes now.
I think its worth every penny personally even with the yearly subscription. Good to hear it works! I'd be interested to hear how/if its dealt with by your insurer too....can you keep us updated?
I actually haven't told my insurer anything yet. I was kind of hopping not to say anything so that they don't screw me on the premium when I renew. If I am not making a claim do I still have to declare it?
My insurance company didn't even know what it was. I sent in the details (Thatcham certificate and all the documentation from BikeTrac) and they still said it made no difference to my premium. It wasn't on their list of authorised devices, nor would they add it.
I'm talking about telling them that the bike was stolen and recovered rather than letting them know I have the bike trac. If I tell them it was stolen and recovered will they be likely to raise the premium when I renew. With regards to your point, telling them I had the bike trac reduced the premium big time. Without it they said they wouldn't insure me.
Id look into this quietly if I were you. If you tell them its stolen/ recovered could it not go on the hpi register as stolen/ recovered, and if you claim being recorded as a 'cat d' thus reducing value. Plus they WILL raise the premium no doubt even if you don't claim. I'd let sleeping dogs lie. You've got the bike back, just set about fixing it.
The bike trac is quite good, I set mine to motion and after a ride was just sitting on it with the ignition off. Straight away I got a text saying the movement detector had gone off, then 30 seconds later a phone call. Had to sheepishly explain I was pretending to ride it in the garage and confirm all my details. No one pays any attention to my alarm but where ever I am, I can check the location of my bike