Check the BBC stats against the official ones. You will find they are wrong, just like everything else that fkin Woke organisation puts out.
Like the 2 women fined for driving to an area for a walk. Police stated it was not in the spirit of the COVID guidance. Either it was a point of law or it was not, the reason given was subjective. It is not up to police officers to determine what is and what is not the law. It’s is their job to uphold and enforce the law as it stands.
Totally accurate figures are rare except perhaps in the field of pure mathematics. In real life applications, data has a tolerance on it, or is just a snapshot in time. Are you suggesting we should ignore anything that isn't totally accurate? I keep trying to impress upon my son who uses the covid death statistics innacuracy as an argument. Even if 10 or 20% of that statistic includes people who got run over by a bus/ had a heart attack/ stroke etc. Does that significantly change the message that the data is telling us? These figures may have innacuracies (which should be recognised and where possible estimated) but surely it is not wise to dismiss them?
We lived in Figeac for a while, so familiar with many good roads for trips, several years ago my Essex friends wanted to go away, I suggested France and they all said no in a stereotypical way, anyway after 24 hours there they were totally smitten, even wanting to look for houses!! They could not believe how wrong they had been, we always return every year, as well as Germany(never again)Spain, moody! They say France is overall best, a lot of respect from the hoteliers etc even in petrol stations we stay chatting to the staff for ages.
its legal if you are Prince Charlie or Christopher Moran (who has travelled twice from his home in the SE to visit his estate in the NE) or any other senior tory for that matter. especially if you are the kind of senior tory that can tweet condemnation of a chief medical officer. (while hill walking 100mls from home during lockdown).
Whole other can of worms, but yes IME all the (traffic) plod I've dealt with have no place being permitted to talk to members of the general public. They either already have, or have developed all manner of disorders and a massive 'ID' complex.
the photo is credited to one of the ladies yet not a selfie stick in sight. how did she do it? esp controlled drone? jedi mind tricks?
There’s a stark difference between totally accurate and wildly inaccurate and using it anyway whilst knowing it’s wildly inaccurate.
Having worked frontline all years in A&E this is whole covid is major fuck up I saw covid in dec 2019 wondered why we didn’t do anything we were banned from wearing masks by our hospital so as not to scare patients til the guardian exposed them they should have closed borders at airports not let students back to uni enforced masks I still see people being let in supermarkets without masks We were told to let patients die as the nhs wasn’t coping this is 50 years of under resourcing
. Quite so Chris and as has become the norm all the entitled little snowflakes start crying, time they grew a pair and faced up to a few of life's harsh realities. Do they have to like it? No. Do I care if they don't? Definately not. I do care about the thousands of grossly overworked medical staff, care workers and other people who are taking on more than a bit of personal inconvenience to try and get us all out of the crap we are currently in.
Sounds like you are trying to assert power over others too. We can all see the figures and wonder what that has to do with to ladies walking while social distancing. We can also assess the risks ourselves.
Yeah no worries, Recording every death you can as a covid death. Pretty straight forward and not done with anything else thus giving greatly inflated and misleading numbers. Also making it difficult and next to impossible to compare with anything else and therefor difficult to respond in a balanced, proportionate way. oh and using tests that are rumoured to be as bad as 7% accurate at times and have given positive tests from coffee and cola for a start.
I was hoping for quantified data (from authorative sources). These seem to be anecdotal stories (that may start from sound evidence, or may be social media creations). I'm all for having accurate data, but should we disregard anything that can be shown to have examples of innacuracies? If so, what do we use to guide our strategies?
You can do your own research on that pal. It’s out there. there’s been a fair bit posted on this forum from the likes of ons etc
I do mate. Either we focus on different data, or we choose to interpret what that data is telling us differently. Personally I trust very little of what this current government says (and generally stay out of political discussions). From what I am seeing at the moment though, I'm erring on the side of caution with respect to covid. sounds like a lot of people are doing their own thing, still even all these months after we have learnt what the virus is about... and in this case a considerable distance away from their own homes ... which bit of stay at home is so difficult to understand....