Is This Legal - Turning Cars Back?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ian, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. Instead of picking on people going out for a bit of excercise.
    The police need to crack down hard on those deliberately breaking the rules.
    Rave organisers and attendees and the like, put the organisers behind bars for a few months,
    And give attendees community service, litter picking, cleaning off graffiti etc.
    A few of these and the mass gatherings will stop, and hopefully the fallout from these illegal events.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. And also @Sev , I am now certain that I had covid in December 2019. It was a striking illness. Burning sore throat for a day, fever a couple of days, eased off then severe respiratory symptoms (although still counts as mild now we have a scale), pleuritic pain. Took me 3 months to recover enough to do intense exercise and 7 months to get back to where I was before at CrossFit.

    I've just before Christmas had my second dose. This time it was the neuro invasive version. Taste, smell, eyes (really weird and although he's a tosser I understand the drive to check eyes thing in principle, not how it was applied in Cumshots case), fingers and toes tingling, tiredness etc and a positive test but it was nowhere like what I had in 2019.

    This is particularly unsettling for me as the propaganda asserted there was no way we could have had it when everyone was realising they'd been ill in late 2019 early 2020 with covid symptoms. The worst was the GP on Jeremy Vine who shot down a caller saying there was no way he could have had it as there was no spike in mortality.

    Why didn't they shut the borders etc...? Because they knew it was too late.

    I don't doubt our underfunded NHS is struggling big time as I deal with them on a daily basis right across West and South Yorkshire but it is clear that we have been lied to from before the start of the pandemic. Not just gentle tweaking of the truth but out and our lies. They're also leaning on the 'new strain' narrative to deflect from government incompetence. There was an Oxford professor of theoretical epidemiology on R4 earlier in the week who was highlighting the other explanations for the new strain dominance that should at least be debated including the fact it could just be naturally out competing the other strain and not more transmissible as is the one sided narrative presented.

    So why are we being lied to? If we had this virus in 2019 and did nothing about it is there a reason?
  3. Jason leach was asked this question a while back when a lot of questions where being asked about a flu like illness that was going around late December through to early feb. a question i was particularly interested in as i too fell ill within a day of my lad returning from a skiing trip in Austria who also fell ill within hours of returning. he was pretty adamant that it wasn't covid, just yer run of the mill flu that was doing the rounds.
  4. And it's slowly becoming clear that it was in Europe much earlier than the advertised start date in Wuhan. We're still awaiting China to gets it story straight before WHO are allowed in to investigate
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Lol happy to call the whole of UK a police state and then complains at my stereotyping, nice one! Good and bad everywhere you go and I've met more than a few friendly frenchies, through work and play. My general starting position is try to be friendly to everyone to tbh. The only real discerning qualities the french have over the brits is better lane discipline on motorways, and their booze is cheaper. It'll be interesting to see what the reaction to the brits ( I'm not, but I'm assumed a brit) is post brexit.

    Edit: warning contains strong language
    #65 MDUBZ, Jan 9, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. I think that you might be disappointed. Most people over here no nothing about brexit so why would they react? The newspapers are full of brexit in the UK press, but it has no effect on 99% of French people.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. You are an odd bean. Why would I be disappointed, i'm glad to hear it.:upyeah:

  8. We have offices in France (Paris) and I’d agree with that from my dealing with our team in Paris. They don’t know or really care.
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  9. Anyway back on topic, I am a bit concerned about movement across the uk; my car was booked in for some work with a specialist, and that requires a +4hr round trip; I know that garages are allowed to remain open, but I’m hoping I don’t get any grief. Barely left the house in weeks, other than to put the bins out, so not really sure how likely I am to run into trouble?
    #69 MDUBZ, Jan 9, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021

  10. I travel around a lot and barely see any police cars let alone anyone getting stopped. Plus the police have to have a reason to stop you. Currently you don’t have to answer any questions regarding where you’ve come from or indeed going.

    for what it’s worth. Been to Cardiff three times from Kent in two weeks. And London A LOT
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  11. I don't want reality to get in the way of a story but..

    If you are driving a car on the road.......there is at least 4 reasons for you to be stopped.....regardless of time location who's in the car.....
  12. You've blended in really well over there.....what with being able to speak for 99% of the French people!:joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. As well as all the disenfranchised remoaners living in the UK police state.
  14. :D please don't pucker up on my account - leavers (not all right wing, btw) don't need to get worked up about anything as Brexit has already happened; it's just the remoaners/rejoiners "jibing" these days (apart from an occasional bit of gentle winding-up ;)).

  15. Doesn’t detract from the fact that there’s virtually nothing they can prove.

    hence why the police have asked for more powers lately. Well documented if you’ve got the gift of being able to read

    love you bye
  16. Surely, as long as the data gathered is consistent, no matter how inaccurate you consider it to be. You can't deny the direction of the trend, I'm certainly not.
    What about the sad deaths of those that aren't included if their unfortunate passing takes place on the 29th day or later.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. ‘a thicket of idiots’, remember that next time you’re near a Police station. A thicket how apt.
  18. Sadly experience tells me they don’t need a legit reason to stop you, they just make 1 up like:

    Your car matches a description of a car leaving the scene of a crime.

    Your brake light isn’t working...oh it’s ok it’s working now silly us.

    There’s a few more but we’ll leave it there.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Yes and if u argue with a copper they can arrest you for resisting failure to give info
    To b fair they have been very too lenient in London which is why people still go to shops supermarkets without masks
    What I don’t get is how a motorcycle rider with a helmet on full gear gloves going near noone is a covid risk no evidence
  20. They can only legitimately demand your details if you have committed a crime or they suspect so , unless you’re just talking about a vehicle stop? @Zhed46
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