censoring of posts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by popelli, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Going back to the OPs post, I'm still very much in the dark in regard to the post in question
  2. a well balanced analysis IMHO.

    when you consider this

    BBC News - Woolwich attack: Student sentenced for 'joke' tweet

    and some of the posts on gay marriage and Islam, I think some folks have been sailing very close to the wind. We need to be aware that the laws have changed, and although we have different points of view, no one here wants to see anyone else in trouble.
  3. Sums it up really 749er ,when you watch the vid I posted earlier , how can it be possible to get away with the stuff these wankers are spouting in public and get away with it and others are getting punished for something far less worrying. Easy touch and gutless are two words (printable) that spring to mind.Although the above case deserves harsh treatment imho.
    #83 peter james, Jun 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2013
  4. Couldnt really keep away then?:wink:

    [h=5]General Information[/h]Last ActivityYesterday 23:12Join Date19-04-12Referrals0
  5. In the UK, we are not allowed to :
    * threaten violence
    * conspire to commit crimes
    * libel people
    * breach other peoples' copyright
    * reveal state secrets
    * breach court orders.
    Apart from that, we can publish pretty much what we like - or at least we should be able to. Saying that you hate somebody, or that you hate some group of people, is not much of an offence; threatening to kill them is.

    The forum should follow the same principles, as broadly speaking it does. Thanks to Matt for being sensible.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. I recently had my wrist slapped & a post deleted by another moderator re my opinion about PR3's as a track day tyre. I was a tad pissed at first but upon reflection, my opinion was a bit blunt.

    The Moderators do a good job by and large.
  7. is calling someone a cock allowed? Or should I say - " I think you are a cock"? Therefore implying it is only my though.
  8. There is a massive forum relating to old aircooled Volkswagens that I was a member of for ten years, anybody who bought a beetle/bus would put pics up inviting opinions and suggestions, I got sick of the trolling idiots on there ripping into the new members vehicles, absolutely everyone got the same 'that needs slamming' (lowering) bollux, I posted a picture of my camper and stated I was planning to jack her up as high as shed go as to be able to NOT look like the hoards of idiots that make their vehicles all look the same, goading the trolls I guess which was applauded by many and got a smarmy email from the Mod accusing me of insitement...... I am no longer a member of that forum.
    It was a great place for input and tech advice, but, the mods left open abuse untouched, there was an open acceptance that whoever had the higher post count, was always the winner of ANY argument, the ways in which people boosted their post counts were absolutely blatant, a smiley or a thumbs up being the reply to 20 posts in quick succesion etc, it was ridiculous.

    Anyway, this seems like a friendly forum, Moderation NEEDS to be in place, it NEEDS to be unbiased and open. I am sometimes members of forums for specific input on whatever bike I may have at any given time, I have no problems with my GT, its just not for me, Guzzi man you see, but I feel once Ive moved her on to pastures new, I will remain a member and THAT surely says a fair bit for your wee forum.

  9. "a wee forum" ? What's this , a urology clinic?! That can't go unchallenged-I bet I can p155 up a wall higher than you can! ( and I'm a girl!) :upyeah:

    thread closed.

  10. Ooh you gallus gallus domesticus you.

    Is that what you mean.....?

  11. Well I have been banned/suspended off this forum twice and also censored. So I now attempt to remain in the shadows and hide behind my mother's apron :frown:
  12. I've had a few slaps from The Hand of Matt
  13. That Matt ... he be a right slapper.
  14. Corrected for you.
    • Like Like x 3
  15. Fixed that for you.
  16. Nothing to see here move along now
  17. bet you chose to have them on your arse :wink:
  18. How very over dramatic :)

    i normally use forums to escape the soap opera shite my mrs watches, god help me if its migrated on to here.
  19. I take it you're new to the internetz? :wink:
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