1260 Ducati Multistrada 1260 V4 !! 190hp

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by victit, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. Thanks for posting, that's an interesting read and justifies, looks apart, my reservations, since most of my mileage is 2 up, often with luggage and whenever possible in Portugal :D. Even pushing hard fully loaded I can expect 40+mpg from my 1260S, although I would like the better wind protection. No doubt when I get the chance I'll take one for a test ride and since I've ridden with @Bobmg in the past, will be interested to hear his thoughts once he gets his.
    As before, never say never though. ;)
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  2. So, thirsty and not sporty.
    These were assumptions tbh on first view of the design.

    Got to hope the big KTM and GS riders like the bike. Otherwise an own goal.
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  3. And you lads say the new multi looks bad. Wonder what the new PP will look like?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Didn’t mean it nastily, the new thread is less than an hour old. I just have too much time on my hands and not enough to keep me occupied other than the forum :D Andy
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  5. I think the dealer mentioned in the videos will have the attention of Ducati UK Already on a number of fronts, not withstanding potential social distancing stuff but more around them wheeling out demonstrators and showing wheelies, and mechanics talking about that stuff, as well as some previous videos they have done, it’s not really ‘on brand’ for Ducati.

    Is everyone really still hating on the V4 Multi, other than reviews, have any on here actually ridden it to get their own view on it?
  6. You don't need to ride it to know that the range is unacceptably low (on a par with electric) with no real improvement in performance. The bike has many pros but they are outweighed by the cons.
  7. I'm all for it but If it happens, (big IF here), I doubt it will be christened "Pikes Peak".
    At this point and strictly speaking personally, I would much rather have a nasty SuperSport V4.
    What seems to elude a lot of people including Ducati is that some of us purchased a Multistrada Pikes Peak as a comfortable superbike for the lack of an alternative. It was either a Multi PP or a Panigale.
    #1411 DarR, Jan 27, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. if the range is less than 130 miles then they are probably going to put people off, yourself included, I don't really understand how they have not managed to make it comparable or better to the V4 Panigale, given it revs a lot lower and is also Euro5... they can't change the fuel tank now, so they are going to be stuck
  9. I'm still not interested in a V4 MTS. I'll be looking at alternative options when the opportunity allows, just need to see whether or not it continues to justify road riding at this stage. The state of some of the roads is very poor, worst I've seen for years.
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  10. Just seen the vid, I think I was a despatch rider at the same company as that Paul fella.
  11. Official figures put it 300km from at tank full and as we all know and are fully aware of, consumption is in direct proportion to the use of your right hand and your left foot. I currently get maybe 150 miles out of a 21 litre tank touring and probably 30 less scratching. I didn’t buy a 1200cc fire breathing monster and expect moped mileage so I don’t see what the problem is. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. If you’re on your own I take your point, but if you are with a few buddies who all want to refuel around 170 miles + it becomes a PITA, especially if you are all away for a week etc. 150 miles seems optimistic if you’re enjoying yourself?
  13. Try riding with someone on a Honda Firestorm!

    I would get 150 Miles from my DVT commuting but would approach 200 when touring. That said I rarely took a chance and would usually fill up early when the light came on.
  14. Toured twice now with a group and of the group, I am the one who needs to fuel first. Those that can make the day on a tank pull up and have a chat and when I’m done we get on our way, doesn’t seem to bother anyone. Being a mixed group, daily mileage is not set too high, maybe 250 miles tops. Touring is a different kind of enjoyment, enjoyment for the soul. Scratching is enjoyment for the heart and as I said, easily 30mpg less in the 100 to 120 miles range. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. I think my group’s problem is we go in scratching holidays. Having said that dodgy prostrate had me stopping a lot last tour.
  16. An interesting opportunity is on its way in Bike magazine next month. A comparison ride-out between the new V4, S1000XR & BMW R1250GS!
    Even after MCN's Neeve's mixed report this week, this will probably benefit those undecided here and might yet sway the 'looks - knockers', myself included :thinkingface:
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