Dodgy Handshake Brigade.......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. .............come on..........own up.................who is?

  2. Not feckin me, Can't see anyone owning up but i bet a few duke owners are :wink:
  3. Been blackballed have we:biggrin:
  4. #4 XxAnthxX, Jun 12, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2013
  5. Methinks you bestow them with ideas of plotting and conspiracy when the truth is sadly much more mundane.

    By the time they've finished deciding if they want spotted dick or apple crumble for dessert, there's no time left in the meeting for any of that stuff! :biggrin:
  6. Years ago I did attend one of their 'social evenings' along with my 'good lady wife.Although it was quite enjoyable I politely turned down membership sponsorship by a couple of members I knew.Was not really my cup of tea.
  7. Another meeting I've not been invited to? What's going on?

    first I was overlooked for the Bundaberg meeting, now no invite for the Marstons one.

    conspiracy I say !
  8. The Masons are corruption personified.
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  9. Me neither, women not allowed.:upyeah:
  10. Like anyone is going to own up after all those comments lol. Just for the record I am not in the trouser leg rolled up, touching each others bell ends brigade
  11. Pater was. I'm not.
  12. That's about right
  13. I can definitely recognise 'their' handshake - if i'm not heard from again then you'll know what must have happened :)
  14. Are gherkins involved ?
  15. "ive got a second hand apron...I nearly got in at Hendon"...
  16. You need an apron to get in to a regatta?
  17. one of my ex students was in the masons and taught me the funny handshake and how to tell someones status (its all in the thumb btw)...
    he said it was boring and full of old old boys club..bit like here probably but without the swearing or social conscience.
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