Dash Cover For 1992 888

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by KevB, Jan 31, 2021.

  1. Still looking for a couple of replacement parts:
    1. Dash Relay Cover RHS (Part# 24610511A)
    2. Dash Fuse Cover LHS (Part# 24610501A)
    Items to fit 888 SP4 (1992).
    The image shown is of my RHS dash panel IMG_1084.JPG which is cracked and missing part of the outer edge that marries up to the fairing (bike dropped at some point). Any help greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks.
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  2. Thanks for that :) For the sake of £11 I will just give it a whirl and see what turns up so fingers crossed! Been looking for ages so will keep the search going. Hoping someone may discover a part no longer needed. Cheers, Kev.
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  3. I quite enjoy the chasing down of parts - hadn't gone in this direction so defo worth looking into. I assume that many parts are shared across manufacturers but tracking down which could easily become a full-time activity! I normally get an early warning signal that I am spending too much time on things like this in the form of a sharp whack across the back of my head from SWMBO!
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  4. Nice, but I already have an RSR (matt carbon) set, bought on the assumption I would be unable to get OEM parts. They are actually very very nicely made and and only cost about £40 which I reckon was a bargain... but keep up the input and we may strike lucky :) Cheers!
  5. Well whatever it was, it wasn't available and can't be ordered! I have a refund and the search continues...
  6. So still trying to find this part:

    • Dash Relay Cover RHS (Part# 24610511A)


    Have found one that is not bad (slight cut out) but would still like to find an undamaged piece. Any help apreciated. Thanks Kev.
  7. Still on a quest... one must be due to turn up soon:)
  8. Just a wee nudge...
  9. I think Bridgland on here was making some...
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