Euro Track Days & Ata Carnet Fun !

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by funkatronic, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. Maybe I have got the wrong end of the stick but if they are road legal, taxed and insured, do you still need a carnet ? Andy
    Edit : should have said ‘with the owners in the van’. Andy
    #61 Android853sp, Feb 11, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
  2. From my reading so far, if the owner or registered keeper is not present when the bike enters the country it would appear so. I would assume that pointing overhead & saying "he's up there" wouldn't cut it with the customs staff either.
  3. You are correct. but if they are advising that road legal vehicles must travel with its owner. A carnet for all 4 bikes might be the safest bet when you have more bikes than ppl in a van.

    lets wait and see what the TDO's say
    fingers crossed there is a simpler way (cant see how right now)
  4. I have gone with a 2 person band TDO for the last several years, limited to just 40 riders and who use an independent 1 man band driver. This quite realistically could be the end of their business as if nothing else, there is no way I can afford to cough up a 40% bond on my V4. Andy
  5. if it's all on 1 truck then only 1 carnet required. spread across 40 bikes it's not much. also insurance can be bought instead of paying the bond.
    it's the Drive it yourself option that's going to get alot more expensive.
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  6. For a vehicle not to need a carnet, I don't think having the V5 alone is enough. It must be taxed and insured as well from my reading of the rules, meaning you will need a green card too.

    Until someone tests the customs system, I doubtvwe will know for sure....and that doesn't look like being anytime soon. The rumours I hear are that travel to Europe might not happen until September.
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  7. I’ve just received this from Tony. I’m sure you’ll have received a similar email

  8. thats good to see @andyb. i'm not saying its wrong but that doc is from 2016 and the official advice I & the entire motorsport industry have received in 2021 says otherwise, which is why i started the thread.

    took a look at french customs guidance but doesn't mention sporting goods annoyingly (although the list is non-exhaustive)

    hopefully we will just need to learn this phrase in french spanish and dutch

    "ce n'est pas un véhicule à moteur c'est un équipement sportif"
    "no es un vehículo de motor es equipamiento deportivo"
    "het is geen motorvoertuig, het is sportuitrusting"
  9. People may want check Article 162 of EU Reg 450/2008 (Modernised Customs Code) and Art 250 of EU Reg 952/2013 which supersedes the 1992 regulation cited in the 2016 guidance document I provided Andy with a link to above but which still carry over the same temporary admission relief procedure where the goods are coming into the EU for a specific use and will then be exported again.
  10. I think irish (eire) is open to us travelling there (I don't mean in a covid sense but a border sense)

    Our discussions with Tony are regarding Italy only and not part of a tour, we only ship out and back, we sort everything else ourselves. I'll let you know more as it develops.
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  11. Yep Ireland, England, Scotland & Wales are all in the Common Travel Area from a geopolitical perspective so no restrictions on travel.

    However, from a Covid perspective you will need an essential reason to travel to Ireland , you’ll have to have had a PCR test for Covid which is -ve no longer than 72hrs before stepping foot on Ireland. Without the test you’ll be fined €500 upon arrival. When you do arrive you’ll have to self-isolate for 14 days and will only be permitted to leave that isolation in the event of danger to your health or life; failure to do so renders you liable for a €2500 fine or 6 months in prison. This applies to returning Irish citizens to. I know as I’ve got to go to the UK shortly and have to go through all that rigmorale to get back home , so have just looked it all up.
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  12. Australia won't even let its own citizens back into the country.
  13. Let’s not forget that France in particular is known for applying its own unique interpretation of the rules. Especially on work to rule days. It’s a bit of an assumption that France, Spain and Portugal will apply the same rules on a truck passing through all three countries. I am going to leave it until next year. I have no confidence in EU member states not playing funny buggers with us
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  14. Interesting post from FE on Facebook regarding the cost of carnets. Hopefully its correct.
  15. Link? Copy?
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  16. I can’t figure how to do a link and to be fair, would you want to listen to Mr Healy for 30 minutes ? Bottom line, he estimates the cost per person, based on 40 bikes in a trailer, Carnet and 40% value insurance to be less than £40 on an assumed value of £10k. Andy
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