Vaccine Passport...yes Or No?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Topolino, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. It's something the airlines are likely to demand, pubs clubs and restaurants too. Personally I dont have a problem with it. Some are worried about personal data being misused but the likely implementation is through the NHS app so there may be some security in that. If it gets me in to a restaurant or a pub I'm not going to lose sleep over it. If you've got nothing to hide then what's the problem. I don't think it's an unreasonable request from the perspective of a landlord, proprietor or club owner.
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  2. Seen as discriminatory to the 18-30 age group who are unlikely to be offered vaccination in the corridors of power. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. The 18-30s have historically be seen as the unwitting carriers of the disease (unfairly it seems) being that most are asymptomatic, so my understanding is that a passport would be backed up by a negative Covid test as an alternative for those that cant produce a passport.
  4. Why would it he needed? It frightens me to think people would be happy to accept this crap? If you are afraid or of a vulnerable disposition get vaccinated then nobody can make you sick? Then there will be no concern to be around anyone so people have no right to enforce there will on anbody else? If someone is vaccinated or not they are still carriers so best to protect ones self if that is there CHOICE!
    #4 theskitz, Feb 23, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2021
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  5. I can see it now, people will be up in arms about freedom of movement and privacy and just another big brother tactic to force us to take the vaccine so that they can inject us with a 5G chip to monitor our movements etc etc. And then they will get in the pub, take a photo of their pint, tag themselves with their location and share it all over social media :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  6. Ah , the Old if you've got nothing to hide you got nothing to fear bullocks , tell that to the victims of the holocaust .
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  7. I'll stay home until they are begging for my money.
    here, nearly everyplace passed a law early that states that you cannot sue for catching covid period.
    did they do that over there to relieve the burden from businesses?
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  8. An extremely dangerous path for society to head down.

    I do not wish to offend, but anyone who thinks this is acceptable, and I choose this word carefully, is a fool.
    #8 MFon, Feb 24, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2021
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  9. As far as I can tell, the vaccine doesn’t stop someone getting and therefore spreading covid.
    From a socialising point of view it makes no difference, maybe there is another reason they would like to introduce the ‘passport’.
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  10. Generally that sort of thing doesn’t go on over here, although times are a changing :joy:
  11. Tbh I can see it as something the EU would be behind more than us and anyone wishing to visit their member states would have to abide by it?
  12. Will need to get a move on and catch up with rest of world with vaccinations first. They are going at a snails pace, esp in France..o_O
  13. Why not? All our personal data is all over the internet already whether we like it or not, and if it makes travel or getting into a venue easier I have no problem with it.
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  14. I think the concern is where does it lead.

    Fair enough the information is there to know where you have been etc. but this is potentially not being allowed somewhere because you haven’t done what they want.

    With the current ‘save the NHS’ in mind, how about a ‘alcohol passport’ or ‘junk food passport’
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  15. Let me borrow your tin hat when you are done with it ;) . I think in the short term is is as much a question of practicality.
    • A vaccination reduces your risk of catching covid, but it doesn't remove the risk entirely of susceptibility or transmission.
    • We're not really sure how long vaccination protects us for, you might need to get revaccinated every 6 months.
    • new strains will continue to appear and it will take some time to prove the effectiveness of the current vaccines which will naturally vary given they are not all equal.
    • If track and trace is anything to go by it will be a balls up.

    On acceptability, for the moment i think i would agree; it would discriminate against groups lower down the priority list for receiving the vaccine. It could also makes the vaccination, depending on the level of restrictions it places on you for not having it, mandated; you really should be able to make decisions about your own health and opt out if you wish. NB. for the absence of any doubt on my position on vaccinations i've got my jab booked in for Friday. From a data perspective the only reason they haven't joined your personal records (passport, NI, NHS, Drivers licence etc) is because the powers that be couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery rather than any technical, data protection or ethical reasons and i wouldn't actually have an issue with this if they did a proper job and it made my life easier.
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  16. just make the doors smaller, the drunk ones would hit the wall and the fatties wouldn't get through. I think it is clear for every one to see without the need for wearing a badge or having a certificate, the same goes for smokers and drug users very few who do anything to excess are able to hide it.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. Or you could argue its about social responsibility to your fellow humans.
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  18. Alcohol etc is a personal choice though and generally people aren't 'segregated' or refused entry to places because they have had a drink or whatever.
    It would make more sense if the vaccine ensured you couldn't catch or spread covid.
  19. Good point.

    Just ban alcohol then, forget the passport thing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. I don't like it personally.

    It 'could' be a dangerous and slippery slope in my opinion. We've all seen how Nazi some people get already.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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