Vaccine Passport...yes Or No?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Topolino, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. Test & Trace is a prime example.

    I hardly know anyone who would use it. When the bars where open people where forced to scan a barcode you could enter any details you like. I bet there's millions of entries from a Mr D Duck. Mr M Hunt. Mr M Mouse etc. It also couldn't tell if the mobile number was wrong either. I watched loads of people entering anything they liked in to that app. Wasn’t the successful contact amount for T&T something like 1% haha!

    Waste of bloody time
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  2. That is half the problem tho: it’s a balance between compliance with govt and two fingers up at the govt.

    For the greater good. Four words that send chills down the spine of anyone who believes in freedoms and liberty and privacy.
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  3. Godwin’s Law?

    Just that particular year or would there be an option to extend to say 1945.

  4. Ah skitz I’m vaccinated but the reality is there is no data yet to say that I’m going to have any response to it.
    I also cannot have the MMR vaccination as it’s live. So I have to rely on the majority of you all having vaccinations so when “your” little one has measles you need to keep away from me.
    Chicken pox is another that I have no immunity from

    do I really have to stay inside for the rest of my life.

    I hear what your saying but there are 250,000 people living with blood cancer than rely on the very goodwill of you all having a vaccination which I’m very grateful for

    Before being diagnosed I had no clue about the fear of not being able to be vaccinated against childhood and now covid vaccinations. When your life depends on avoiding these and you have fought to be alive for me I’m scared
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  5. Ps I won’t be going to any pubs or clubs for a while :grinning:
  6. That was when they started ramping up from encouraging to slaughtering :upyeah:
  7. Where do you draw the line? Surely some life for a short person is better than no life for a long one?!
  8. I think you’ll find the killing started before 1939. ;)
  9. Indeed it did. But if you want to be specific about a throwaway humorous insult to someone who thinks wearing badges to establish who can be exterminated/excluded from society, you must be a hoot at parties and comedy clubs :expressionless:

  10. Sarcasm old bean always goes right over you.;)

    A humorous insult, is that not an oxymoron?:confused:
  11. I'm sorry but read the phizer website me getting the vaccine doesn't stop transmission there website not karen from Facebook
  12. I got the sarcasm ;)

    Cleary mine was missed....and I never called anyone a moron...
  13. If it means I can be on the first plane going somewhere warm they can send me one now
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  14. I’m not sure the vaccine will ever stop the spread it will more likely slow it down but it won’t eradicate C-19, unfortunately those in the vulnerable group now live in a very different society.
  15. My wife’s thoughts exactly.
    Imho 2021 is U.K. only travel. With covid nonsense and Brexit it’s too risky to travel if you want a fairly stress free experience
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  16. Do they? It’s amusing (and rather sad) that only now people want to save old people and make sure they aren’t vulnerable. Society has spent years not giving two gucks about the ageing population other than to blame them for all previous ills and scream they are a drain on working society.
  17. Early indications are that the vaccine does reduce infection, not 100% but there is a clear difference allegedly.

  18. That information typically seems to change almost daily.

    Nobody I work with has been confidently told this. We’ve been told the opposite in fact dude
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  19. You think the vulnerable are only the elderly? :thinkingface:
  20. A card issued with the second vaccination would suffice.
    I do not see this as divisive, it is a matter of fact.
    As soon as you get the vaccination you have the card.
    Those who choose to not have the vaccination, need to accept the limitations that go with that decision.
    The rest of us want to move on and get on with living our lives.
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