Vaccine Passport...yes Or No?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Topolino, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. You're not wrong mate.

    But statistically.. last time I checked anyway, the deaths where mostly elderly. vulnerable and Elderly is not a good mix (surprise, surprise).
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. I'm just saying I have no problem with it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Nope. But I think the largest proportion are. By a mile.

    And many who believe they are ‘vulnerable’ need to get a grip.

    Life is full of risks: if you think it’s too high to go out, don’t expect everyone else to pay for it in money and their loss of freedoms.
    • Like Like x 1

  4. The card isn't I.D. though? I could knock you one of those cards up within the hour
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. For those who want fact.
    ONS stats to 12 Feb
    Deaths 2021 105,463
    Deaths 2020 73,756
    Deaths 5 yr avg 76,104

    covid deaths 2021 by age category
    All - 43168
    0-29 - 60
    30-39 - 225
    40-49 - 685
    50-59 - 2127
    60-69 - 4633
    70 plus - 35438

    Seems pretty clear where the risk sits.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. An ID card IMO is unworkable in the U.K., I think as you stated earlier the T&T was a farce. Leaving the house for me know involves remembering keys, money and mask, adding some other essential is gonna tip me over the edge. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Got any numbers on obesity too?
  8. It’s odd isn’t it. I’m law abiding mostly (motoring tend to be my law breaking), don’t go anywhere that could cause embarrassment or concern for MI5, use my phone and Facebook to tag people and places and embrace most tech, yet I believe that an ID card and all the govt tracking of people is a step too far.
    Same with anpr and cctv in public places: should be banned.

    Yes they can help solve crime ( they don’t prevent tho). Yes they can help solve things like missing persons. But imho the sacrifice of privacy is too large a price to pay.

    Dob your neighbours/friends/work colleagues/bloke and woman having a coffee and a sarnie in a park to cops for breaching’s how it all starts :(
  9. Why? What’s the relevance?
  10. No idea, not sure there are any stats for that.

    For my Mother she only occasionally sees her neighbours in the flats she lives in by accident as all social activities have been shelved for about a year. The only visits to other residents are health workers. I guess an elderly person in a care home must be at the most risk?
  11. See my link earlier, which seems to state it’s the elderly and cake lovers that are the super spreaders?
  12. It’s a sad state of affairs that this has brought the modern world to its knees, but not exactly surprising.

    Public health especially in western society is shocking. When I was a kid it was rare to see a fat person. Now it’s arguably more common than someone who is fit.
    Not surprising for me that people are keeling over from covid tbh.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  13. When I was at school think there was 1 fat kid at school, seems from picking my lad up from school slim is the odd 1 out these days.
    • Agree Agree x 3

  14. It's why I did such a thorough job of completing Tinder. Most of the lads my age look a mess. The femme's just seemed happy that i'd treated them to a shower and wasn't Boris Johnsons Body Double.

  15. Sadly for Grindr you’ve found a Lady to settle down with. :thinkingface::)
    • Like Like x 1
  16. And that is becasue so many either take no responsibility for their own health or they don't understand that they can do.

    Watch ANY TV programme these days and the majority of ad breaks are full of either fast food or betting companies. Neither offer anything useful to society and its a given that at some point they will have to be removed from advertising, just as smoking and alcohol have the meantime a small proportion of the world are making an absolute fortune selling it and many many more are dying from the effects of it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. You'll get over it hun
    • Love You Love You x 1
  18. I know, found crying myself to sleep helps. :(;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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