Vaccine Passport...yes Or No?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Topolino, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. Yes we did not have Mac Donald’s, KFC, Dominos, X BOX, PlayStation, arsebook and all the other sedentary pastimes.
    What we did have was healthy meals, summer holidays out with your mates ( no mental health issues )
    Rope swings, sliding down mud banks on a piece of Lino. Rain or shine we were kicked out in the morning and not expected back until dinner time.
    I can’t remember anyone self harming or committing suicide, you had a problem you talked about it with your mates.
    Toughened us up for adult life, unlike the puff pastries we all to commonly see today.
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  2. Once its been rolled out and everyone has at least been offered it of course ......If its the price for a resumption of normality - bring it on.

    No-one HAS to have it, it'll just mean that any tinfoil heads wont be going anywhere like the rest of us will be able to. No loss there.

    If anyone is genuinely unable to have it, and we are likely talking about a handful nation-wide, give em exemption certificates.
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  3. Yes we did not have Mac Donald’s, KFC, Dominos, X BOX, PlayStation, arsebook and all the other sedentary pastimes.

    Yep about the only takeaway food was Fish and Chips or Chinese, that weren’t open 24/7

    What we did have was healthy meals, summer holidays out with your mates ( no mental health issues )
    Rope swings, sliding down mud banks on a piece of Lino. Rain or shine we were kicked out in the morning and not expected back until dinner time.

    Yes, you don’t often see kids out playing these days which is a shame. My lad travels a fair way from where he lives for school his only activities are Boxing, cycling and trials riding.

    I can’t remember anyone self harming or committing suicide, you had a problem you talked about it with your mates.

    Yes not anyone while I was at school committed suicide and can only recall 1 self harmer, at my partners school they have a suicide each year. Yeah you talked about it and got the p1ss taken out of you so you learned to say nowt and just get on with it lol.

    Toughened us up for adult life, unlike the puff pastries we all to commonly see today.

    It did....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Deaths already in 2021 105,463, that’s a horrific number.

  5. There has been 121k covid related deaths in the U.K. since covid records started.

    I reckon the number is more likely to be around 80-90k but eitherway, 121 is the figure.
  6. Ok but if that 2021 figure is correct that’s 8 weeks of this year so far?
  7. I think that’s out of context mate.

    As said, 121k is the death figure for cv19 in the U.K. during its course.

    The covid wards where pretty busy in December and early January. It’s dropped right off now!
  8. I was just quoting the ONS figures that bladders quoted is all.
  9. I think this time of year is the highest for deaths regardless of covid.
  10. The 'numbers' (either by accident or design) have been fucked up/manipulated from day 1.
    When people start banging on about 100,000, they should do their homework first and find the actually number! Even the CDC is quietly changing its methodology for reporting Covid deaths. MANY recorded victims were under end life care/in hospices, just as one example.
    I don't wont the vaccine, although not mandated, life (especially foreign travel) will be very difficult/impossible without it.
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  11. I still think it would be better to concentrate on the vulnerable and elderly because no matter what the numbers are here in Ireland the average age of a death with coronavirus in the system is 81.7 years old and the average life expectancy is 78 so forget wasting time on teenagers and healthy people and get the vulnerable sorted because soon as that finishes it's time to start again anyone who thinks this is going away with a vaccine needs to read how this virus works! It's here to stay
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  12. Actually there is some signs in some of the studies that suggest that some of the vaccines could block infection and reduce transmission, but there are studies to confirm it. I still get the flu jab as I don’t want to be off work or have reduced performance/ spread it to others.
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  13. I know but not withstanding seasonal variations. 105 k for 8 weeks of 2021

    compared to 75k for the whole of 2020 is a hell of a jump up, we’ve already surpassed the previous year by 30k. :thinkingface:
  14. I believe the vaccine also reduces symptoms, so less chance of knowing you have it.
    Then you can pop to the pub, show them your vaccine passport and infect a few while you’re there. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1

  15. The fact that as a % of the gross amount January was so bad is not a surprise. Or atleast shouldn’t be.

    December, Jan and Feb (the cold months) are pretty much always bad for flu deaths. It’s when it hits hardest. Same with pneumonia etc.

    even back in summer last year the nhs where bracing for covid deaths in the winter. They knew it was going to rocket.
  16. Yep you don’t die from old age anymore.

    I’m not sure it’s feasible to enforce it TBH, I think governments will spend a considerable amount of time agreeing a system that actually works. As advs stated earlier it’ll probably be easily faked in any case.

    I don’t see me going snowboarding or mountain biking abroad until 2022.
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  17. We actually phoned them to tell them we had been in contact with someone who tested positive the following day we came into contact with him and they actually said you don’t need to worry about it unless we contact you.. neither the bar or anybody else who had been in the bar for the 6 hours that he was in there had been contacted either, complete joke.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  18. Those figures should all be taken with a pinch of salt really.

    I have immediate family that are ranking high in (different) NHS hospital laboratories and the figures are abused. Everyone with any internal knowledge knows they are. Concerns have been raised and dismissed even at Consultant level by the hierarchy.

    They are applied to anyone that had a test whether that test returned positive or negative and every single person in hospital wards has regular tests. Effectively that means anyone that dies in hospital from any cause, goes on the Covid register! They could have been terminal xxx, heart attack, accident victims, overdosers, aged, anything - if they were tested (and they were) they go on the count.

    Doctors have been allowed to certify Covid as it is a very simple procedure and is not questioned, symptoms do not need to have been present, even suspicion does not need to be present - its been written on death certs in an almost blase manner and it cannot be overturned without an inquest....

    Flu deaths and any other respiratory death cause have disappeared as they are all lumped into a catch all.

    As the government now need to unlock after spending billions paying grants, loans, furlough etc...expect a different counting method to be applied here soon to massage the figures down.

    Incidentally, take a 50 year average death per year report and look at the annual figures. You will see they are massively down. Pretty much everyone on here will have been on the planet in that period (or longer)
    It's the last few years that started to climb up, but are nothing like they were for the previous 45. It depends which snapshot you want to present. The BBC like to present the last 5 years, a scientist looks at the bigger picture to get the actuality
    #98 HootOwl, Feb 24, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2021
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  19. Another control measure. They can ram it, is my first thought. But we'll be coerced unfortunately....
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  20. As is you choice I don't need a flu vaccine or a cv19 jab never been of work a single day we'll besides a couple of bike crashes in my 20,s and for the record I'm not anti vaccine
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