Vaccine Passport...yes Or No?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Topolino, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. Nail on the head.

    I think/hope that this will be looked in to closely for years to come. Auditors shouldn't have to look too hard before heads will start to roll!

    If I was cummings and co I'd be shitting my pants if 'the government has fucked us' bandwagon gets going with the added assistance of the media who I will imagine will be ALL OVER IT since covid is no longer a threat. They'll jump on the next biggest thing as always.

    Whether the people who are actually to blame for this shit show get a pasting or not, I think many people will suddenly think differently about the whole affair once the divide and conquer tactics back off and the recessions and other associated issues bite.
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  2. I think we’re kinda agreeing, I’m going to leave this aspect of the conversation as I think we’re differing on what the figures mean or how they’re counted.

    I think we agree the whole response to C19 hasn’t been handled well at all by anybody and the numbers aren’t all they seem. It would appear there are a lot of cooked books to justify a lacklustre response and performance.

    I think we’ll be headed down a privatised NHS soon with government using c19 as the driver for these ‘reforms’
    • Love You Love You x 1
  3. There is potential for that, in which case we should see an increase in cases as lockdown measures ease ( if testing continues on the asymptomatic).
  4. From Pfizer and why vaccination is important. Being vaccinated in itself stops transmission that’s why it’s so important

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  5. Mr owl I'm in a similar boat my wife is a nurse who strangely considering my argument here is head of a vaccine clinic guess who told me I don't need a vaccine and is utterly baffled by the strategy the health service here is rolling out
  6. Well I’m having a vaccination when my letter comes as I’m already getting grief from the Mrs and she cooks all my food intake.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. Good job Harold Shipman isn’t still in the nhs then, COVID would have been like Christmas
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  8. I'm sorry did you read that press release where does it say you can't spread the virus with there vaccine?
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  9. The truth always gets out. We may not see it, it may be hidden away officially under the 50 year rule, but it will out at some point. Far too many 'insiders' know the realities. I am not knocking the government. I think our lot has coped better than most.
    I also believe the threat as imagined was hugely beyond what the reality turned out to be, but statements had been made and procedures adopted (globally) .
    There was never gonna be any retracting after that, just in ever really materialised.
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  10. Then all the vaccine passport will have done is handed more taxpayers money to politicians friends.:)
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  11. Im not having a go I’m just trying to put it from another perspective
    The more that are vaccinated and I understand some are reluctant the more we protect ourselves. Duty of care has just been banded around in the tv and we ALL have a duty of care to each other :heart:
  12. Any chance your Mrs can write a letter for me to hand my Mrs exempting me please bud, nothing too formal obvs just like a note you would hand in at school when you needed a day off from school due to illness?

    Thankyou in advance.:)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  13. Why does Mrs Owl think that if you don’t mind me asking
  14. We can argue all day but whatever decisons are made, no one will know the final outcome for years to come. Ita virus over which we have little control. The history of the World is littered with major events that have wiped out various living things on it.

    This has shown how we, as humans, have so much more to learn and also how infallible we are to disease and viruses, which just makes it even more unbelieveable that we are allowing the drive for money, power and fame to destroy our Planet at an alarming rate.
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  15. To be fair, I can't understand why anyone who is young, fit and healthy would need the vaccine.

    Me being one of those where the vaccine made me very ill yet covid was more mild than a cold for me.
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  16. He might be judging by the numbers......;)
  17. 100% I actually think vaccine uptake would improve if there was a campaign to promote rather than punish I've mentioned I'm not an anti-vaxer but when people fly kites about vaccine passports it's that group that gains traction, I'm sitting here in oncology with my dad just after getting bloods done to see if it's more treatment or we have reached the end of our road he got Covid last year which nearly finished him and probably the reason his cancer came back! This is the man crying out for vaccine and that's why I think a targeted response will be better , I heard an interview on the radio so I can't stand over this but when Israel vaccinated 50% of there population hospital admissions dropped by 95% as the target group got done first despite the success they still intend to force the remaining 50% to vaccinate probably through a vaccine passport and that's when people turn to conspiracy, my opinion obviously
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  18. My love flies straight to your dad and yourself I can empathise with you.
    It’s great that the target group is vaccinated but in amongst them are those of use that may not get any response and I think that’s why the rest of you need to look at being vaccinated to protect those vulnerable ones.
    Being forced is not the answer but proper conversations are.
    I’m not sure do other countries insist on vaccination evidence for anything I wonder
    (My next bit of reading)
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  19. My thoughts are because CEV will be going back into the community maybe?
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