Dodgy Handshake Brigade.......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. No they don't. That was scrapped years ago, because it was pointless.
  2. Only three years ago actually - and it was not at all pointless, but an important and useful protection against abuses.
  3. It is quite unflattering to be addressed like an idiot! Your patronising, inaccurate, self-serving and implausible twaddle is not likely to fool many people, I suspect, Bob. But by all means keep digging your hole - it may give us all a laugh ...
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  4. HA ha ha ha ha ha ha-de-ha
  5. Pete, you are stating your opinions as if they are facts (as per usual).

    You say highly exclusive - I've known a couple of people who were/are masons and nothing about them struck me as being any different from anyone else. In what way are they exclusive? Who is excluded?

    You say lacking in transparency - there's loads of info on the Internet which I've found since this thread started. How are they lacking in transparency?

    You say self perpetuating - any organisation thinking to the future will be self perpetuating - what's wrong with that?

    Clandestine - how so?
  6. pete1950 MBE is never wrong you know lol
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  7. Sorry Pete1950 you are talking bollocks. As with Bobthedog, I am also a Mason and proud of it.
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  8. Isnt it a purpose of their existence to help their own..........:eek::wink:
  9. which of you lot that admit you are Masons (I thought you weren't supposed to do that) sing everything at the lodge?
  10. The only mason I've heard of is Fred Flintstone
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  11. Was it pointless because those that make the rules and decisions had learned the art of the mysterious handshake and it didn't mater what they said when they took up their high powered positions, because they would be 'protected'?

    Just a thought.... ;-)
  12. Oh dear...the tide is turning?! Pmsl
  13. Anyway.......I'm just trying to understand here.

    If this particular gentlemens club does not offer any 'perks' to it's members or grant them any special 'privledges' as is being suggested here by a few of it's members.


    Every other club, cult or group offers something to its members and receives something from them in return.

    What does its members get?.....what do they give?

    Help me out with this one......or is it a SECRET.....Nudge Nudge ;-)

    I just find it's a tad strange and comical that people want to be a member of a club that does 'nothing'.

    By the way you can give to charity without being in a club folks, lol :)
    #54 XxAnthxX, Jun 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2013
  14. I think the current joining fee is around £2K - the cost of producing a newsletter is prohibitive these days you know.
  15. More food for thought ;-)











    They only joined for a nice evening out ;-)
    #56 XxAnthxX, Jun 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2013
  16. [​IMG] etcetera :)
  17. I always thought the Mason's weren't a secret society, just a society of secrets.

    Is it really any different from people in some elitist golf or country club? - my bet is probably not.
  18. All we have heard here is a lot of unsubstantiated accusations. It all sounds like another conspiracy theory to me.

    All this talk of people getting to or retaining positions in careers that they don’t merit is something that happens all the time. We’ve all met complete incompetents in jobs they have no hope of doing properly and wonder how they got there, the answer is simple, it’s because of poor management above them and possibly some element of the old boys network (not specifically the Masons although they probably are as guilty as the others such as the local golf club or Rotary club).

    [FONT=&quot]I’m not a mason and can never be one because my Mum would come back and haunt me if I was! She told a story about my grandfather being sacked because he upset a customer who was a mason from the same lodge as his boss. This was all blamed on the masonic connection and little consideration given to the fact that he upset a customer in an employment environment that is very different to today’s! [/FONT]
  19. In my experience it's not even massively secret. Growing up as a boy my grandfather's regalia and books of instruction weren't kept under lock and key, forbidden from my view - I was freely permitted to read and ask questions, and I did. No, I'm not a member.

    Like any group, there will be a minority within it will use the group to subvert or otherwise seek to gain personally...this is nothing new. Equally, being in a group that looks out for each other is not the preserve of some supposed hush-hush dastardly organisation. Last time I checked, that's what happened when you were in a group of good friends.
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