1260 Ducati Multistrada 1260 V4 !! 190hp

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by victit, Jul 9, 2019.

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  1. Certainly not been my experience
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  2. Thats not what I hear.
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  3. BMW generally just deal with the complaints more effectively without bitching. Andy
  4. Yet!!
  5. I’ve just read this week’s MCN* test against the GS.

    The BMW wins......

    * and they always get it bang on, right campers?
  6. Back in 2019, when we were all in Scotland for our annual trip. 1 of the group (Dave) had an XR, which was an ex Directors bikes. We discovered that the warranty started from when Dave bought it, not at 1st registration (although it was about 8 months old at the time). Not sure which other Manufacturer does this I know that Ducati normally don't.

    On another note, I wouldn't buy either the MTS V4 or the XR regardless of the reviews.
  7. And BIKE mag says the V4 is a better road bike than the BMW this month. Better than both the GS and the XR. I know these things are personal which is why the answer varies.
  8. Hmm ......a bit scrappy but not exactly night and day one way or the other.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Does anyone care which is the fastest? I want the one that’s the most fun to ride. ;)
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  10. Which will be different for every rider. We are lucky to live in what is the golden age of road bikes.
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  11. Stopped by the dealer today to check them out, the build quality is great and it looked better to me than the 1260
    The seat height seems about the same as the V4 Pani. I was well impressed, will test ride one later this week. The S was listed at 25k so the PP will be bloody expensive.

  12. FYI, Seat height reduces when you turn on ignition and the susspension settles
  13. Thanks, the dealer mentioned that as well. Cant wait to give it a go, might be a bike for me down the road.
  14. Close enough that it could easily be down to the rider, or how the bike is set up.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I found this quite a good review from Revzilla, more practical report than some others. Very 'Merican and I think he's a bit mixed up about his power figures. Compares previous Multis as well

    #1476 Twin4me, Mar 4, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
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  16. No doubt, BUT it still looks like a load of spare parts to me, no matter how hard I try to change my visual impression of it.
    When my 1260S goes in for service & 1st MOT in mid-April, I'm going to have a good hard look at the V4S in Riders Bridgwater. I might, just might, assuming I can actually get over my visual impairment, give one a test-ride. Then again.....:oops::broken_heart:
    • Agree Agree x 3

  17. A proper GS v Multi test for those who speak Italian, although the Youtube English translation isn't too bad !

    Haven't been to Sicily in years, must go back.

    For those interested in MPG/range, in ENGLISH :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Your second video is from the US ? US gallon is 0.83 of a UK gallon, (very) rough conversion, 30mpUSg becomes 36mpUKg. Still low but on a par with what I get out of my first generation 1200. Andy
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
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