Story last updated 2007 according to the top of the page. If we jump on every silly story with indignation and listen to every idiot that heard something down the pub about what we are restricted to do then we will be in all out civil war. The best way to create an enemy is to alienate them.
Although invading, bombing, killing their families and generally ransacking their homelands was a good start
The best way to create an enemy is to alienate them.[/QUOTE] Are they not already alienated? Can't remember when I've ever had one of the hairy gits over for a BBQ...
Are they not already alienated? Can't remember when I've ever had one of the hairy gits over for a BBQ...[/QUOTE] That's because you had pork sausages, ribs and chops on the menu.
I sure I've worked with "Muslims" and I'm sure they were just as nice as anyone else. The reason I can't be sure that I have is that they didn't pepper their speech with references to Allah and the Prophet. Most of them are just regular guys and girls.
Won't support any of this. All they want to do is blow us up or take over whole communities in our country... Oddly however they are lovely people where I have travelled. India especially, even integrating with the Christian and Hindu communities. Seems we just get the horrible ones in this country...
More likely you only hear about the horrible ones in this country. Check of the Christians in the States...
They are just a bunch of mental gits... All that arm waving crap getting right with Jesus!... Then going out shooting a bunch of school kids!
Err... No decorations, please, it might cause offence - Telegraph Rural council stops flying flag of St George claiming it is offensive to Muslims because of links to Crusades | Mail Online there are loads of these stories in the papers. They can't all be wrong...
Well, if you read the Daily Mail article, it transpires that it is one small council "representing" 5400 inhabitants and many of them don't agree with the decision. Even the Muslim Council of Great Britain doesn't agree with the decision. In fact it is pointed out that it just plays into the hands of right wingers who will think "here we go again". Looks like you are one of them and they were right. No doubt plenty of Daily Mail readers think much the same, hence the deliberately provocative headline and story. But it is a story. It's not news. Hardly what the majority of the country would have done (or did, or are doing). You've fallen, splosh, into their trap.
That is never a good start. We put up with the thick as pig shit paddy's blowing stuff up for years but that seems to all get forgotten when we get a new enemy to write about in the Mail.