Our Untrustworthy Media

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Zhed46, Mar 7, 2021.

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  5. Has your opinion changed since the advent of the internet?

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  1. Piers Morgan said during Monday’s programme: “I’m sorry, I don’t believe a word she says. I wouldn’t believe her if she read me a weather report.”
  2. Edited. Apparently you can’t disagree or criticise or face court action.
    #62 bradders, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
  3. Yep. Not only do they screenshot sh*t from social media they then quote it verbatim in the body of the article.

    I heard about PM’s flounce via this https://newsthump.com/2021/03/09/massive-snowflake-cancels-himself/
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Which is a bit rich coming from a former tabloid editor
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. That seems fair as she has no PHD in meteorologist.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. I’d keep a more open mind about that, particularly as gaslighting involves stating falsehoods when we have no idea what the truth is. From what I’ve read the main issues were the royal household (ie: advisers and flunkies) rather than the family itself and she seems to have a genuine affection for the Queen.

    It seems the final straw was when the Mail ran a story about her making Kate Middleton cry when in fact the opposite was true. It shouldn’t be forgotten that these are the same scum who relentlessly hounded his mother in the final years of her life and in fact literally pursued her to her death. If I was in their position I’d have done exactly the same.

    I recall reading a comment/editorial piece short on fact but long on personal insults in the Mail written by some obviously bitter and nasty female journalist who was consumed with envy and it was utterly vile. Plenty of people on this forum used to get very worked up (including you sometimes) about being trolled - can you imagine if reading that sort of spiteful bile was part of your daily existence and knowing that your friends family are reading it and that ultimately your children will grow up with that as the background to their lives?
    #66 Zhed46, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. I was once advised "believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see"
  8. I don't think Markel as an ex Soap actress would have been unaware of how the press can be.

    Markel claimed that although she was seriously considering committing suicide, she still went to some gala or other that night and cited her hand holding as evidence (paparazzi pics). I know nothing about suicide. I find that story completely implausible. In the same way I find "couple wants to live quietly" gives photoshoots, press releases and interviews with Oprah nonsensical.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. Edited. Apparently you can’t disagree or criticise or face court action.
    #69 bradders, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. Edited. Apparently you can’t disagree or criticise or face court action.
    #70 bradders, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
  11. It is all a distraction. All of it. No its not gumzies conspiracy stuff either. Its much more mundane. We are all being distracted from paying attention to how government is just maintaining the status quo of keeping the state running to the tune of those with influence. It is their interests that matter. Not ours. What possible reason could an investment banker have to become a politician? What possible reason could someone who worked for the press and whose wife writes for The Mail possibly have to become a politician? Etfuckingcetera

    How do I know this is true? Because there are children starving in the UK right now. I don't think for a minute any one of you think this is okay. Whether you're a conservative or a liberal or a socialist.

    The press serves to distract the public and make money doing it. Currently it most definitely does not serve to hold to account those that need to be held to account.

    They are currently using the lives of a man and his wife and their families to distract and entertain you. Oprah too is complicit. They need the conflict. She's wealthy for a reason.

    No-one knows. Its all speculation. No-one knows either of the couple. So why form an opinion of them if you've never met them? Its not as if the press haven't got history shit stirring is it? So why use their portrayals and what you may see on the telly. Why take the point of view of people who would hack milly dowlers phone? We all know what the press is like, so why hackney their prejudice?

    It is really none of our business. But hungry kids is. No-one cares though. Sad isn't it.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. The written word is powerful, remember when you write them your friends see them. Should one of your friends need help will they remember what you wrote.
    Will they remember what you liked without saying anything
    Being lonely even when your surrounded with people can be a dark place
    Mental health, suicidal thoughts dont discriminate.
    Be kind
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. How do you call out attention seeking, which in itself can be a mental issue, vs those who actually are end the end with no way out?

    Says a lot for her relationship with Hazza if she can’t talk to him about this stuff but can some faceless aide and the does ‘what she’s told’....
    It’s easy to say the right things to get sympathy. Some are excellent at passive-aggressive.

  14. Have you watched the interview
  15. No and I won’t. Edited. Apparently you can’t disagree or criticise or face court action.
    #75 bradders, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
  16. ...and a human being with all the fears and faults we all have
  17. I’ve worked with PR people and they know exactly what they are doing when a ‘friend’ or ‘unnamed source’ briefs the media.
    Some are good at controlling bad news to help their employers but some, especially in the public sector, have their own agendas.

    I have to say I thought the statement from the queen was absolutely the perfect tone and message and I hope it draws a line under this.
  18. Indeed.
  19. there is no limit to what man can do if he doesn't mind who takes the credit.
    there may well be a fair few looking in here thinking, you never had to look too hard or too far to find evidence of across the board collusion re Gaslighting, revisionisim, manipulation and just outright bollox before so why so late to the party? folks have been pointing it out for for several decades.
    i can also see who is posting here, tho thankfully i no longer see what they post, but i do know the position he will be taking but will be totally oblivious to the irony in his words. not intended as a direct attack btw, just a classic example of how the Media works, it has just taken brexit and covid for many people to see it. tho i'm sure on other matters, dots are getting joined as we speak. otherwise the "i'm all right jack" would still prevail.
    #79 finm, Mar 10, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Like or dislike the Sussexes.
    He should not have called anyone a liar, when they were not in front of him and unable to defend themselves.
    Being in mainstream media has responsibility and accountability, calling anyone a liar in his position is inexcusable.
    I don’t know what qualifies Morgan to comment on mental health issues, or gives him the right to.
    Piers Morgan going is the best news I have had in ages, he loves dishing it out but cannot take it himself.
    Good riddance and I hope we never see him again
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Like Like x 3
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