So Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Muslims, Rastafarians, and Zoroastrians are all in on the Freemason conspiracy, along with aliens, bigfoot and the CIA guy who shot JFK?
I reckon Anarchy UK should publish their list of members, now that its been established they are far worse, all of them, than a far right facist group who preach hate and distrust as their mantra. And the BNP as well as the lobbyists for the Euro Cash Trail... ;-)
Enough of the lawyer speak on here, and more of the stonemason please. I don't need to be googling every time.
interesting thread, normal suspects patronishing others for saying their views and i wonder why people actually are willing to give their views to get jumped on by the big cheeses just my two pennys worth, ,from people i know who are involved , its just a good place to make local business contacts and the rituals are purely traditional more than anything else
I don't believe you'll get an answer - I asked him to explain some of his opinions (and have done so in other threads in the past) but he doesn't answer. I usually think of him as a forum troll with a large vocabulary.
Only Masons are religious. He's religious, therefore a Mason. A syllogism All masons are religious He's religious, therefore a Mason. Not a syllogism.
Do you really want to be spoon-fed pre-digested thoughts in simplified words? I was rather hoping you would be able to do some thinking for yourself, pb; hence my prompt. I generally assume folk on here are intelligent, knowledgeable people able to understand English, think for themselves, and post their own opinions as and when they choose - unless they indicate otherwise.
Extraordinary! I am always ready - some would say over eager - to explain my opinions and to provide as many facts and arguments as anyone has patience to read, or even more. Feel free to PM me, or start a new thread, or revive an old one, if there is anything you want to discuss, cockneyjanner. Some threads attract dozens of posts - surely you don't expect me to respond to every point? Nobody else does.
Are you saying that you didn't know what a syllogism was before? But that you do now? If so, a thank you to Glidd would be in order.
Some people do, but not us peasants that havent got a VC or pair of dividers to rub together........... (Actually, I have got several pairs of dividers, compasses, squares and I use them nearly every day....)
Dunno. I do. But then I like words - part of the reason for engaging with this forum. I like writing. If I stopped to wonder whether the words I wrote would be understood, I'd have to start simplifying my thoughts and what fun would that be? What's abstruse (oh-oh - is that another one I shouldn't use?) to one person will be patently obvious to someone else. In the case in point, syllogism (or the argument not being one) was exactly want I wanted to say. You don't want me to start paraphrasing myself, do you? No. You don't.