I am fortunate to have two Duc's. An ST4S and a Paul Smart. I love them both. But on looks and the attention it receives, the PS wins every time. Whenever I park up I can guarantee someone will come over for a chat and often take some pictures (of the bike, not me) which I admit, gives me a great deal of pleasure. However, after a maximum of one hour riding I am ready for a break and a coffee. It is not very practical but has great rider satisfaction and pose value. On the other hand, the ST hardly ever gets attention but it is brilliant to ride, comfortable, fast and very practical. I can put a tank bag & tailback on & ride for hours without a break apart from fuel stops. In fact, the ST is faster and feels more stable on the road but the PS puts a bigger smile on my face. Which is more important to you, practicality & rideability or the 'WOW' factor?
I just sold my Monster S2R1k with open carbon termis and carbon everywhere. It looked and sounded the bollocks and was very difficult to ignore - from little kids to hot women and old men, it got attention wherever it went. Can't say that about the Mutley. BUT the pose value is only good when you're in town but out on the open road the Mutley is just such a complete bike. And it still says 'Ducati' on the side!
Fun factor. So i'm guessing it'd be rideability. I don't care if it's shiny, or a shed, and certainly don't care what others think. So long as it gives me a smile while riding it that's the bike for me.
l have often thought about making a prettier bodywork set for the ST but never could decide how far down the 'sporty' look to go regards Steve
Initially style. Then performance. Then comfort. And it's great when the bike attracts swarms of people looking at it
style, couldnt ride a bike i didnt think was great looking, not bothered about practibility, just fun
I get plenty of attention when I'm out on my M900, little kids seem to love it and always wave :smile: When it's not in use it's parked at work so I get to covet it every day, that said after 90 miles or so I'm ready to get off!
I have a Ducati on which I do 1500 miles a year and a Beemer on which I do 8,000 a year. Afraid as one gets older the balance changes from style to practicality.:frown: