1260 Iconic Parts "winglets" For 1200 Dvt, 1260 And 950 Multistrada

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by john clelland, Mar 20, 2021.

  1. a quick follow-up to the initial post on the Iconic Parts "winglets" reduce wind buffeting/noise.

    right after I installed these prototype bits, I got my second COVID-19 vaccination, and it knocked my on my arse for a few days ... but I am all better now.

    I did manage to get two rides in prior to being knocked on my arse, and I am happy to advise these winglets reduce the wind buffeting and noise considerably ... and yes, I realize that is a very subjective comment, but I do not have access to dB meters and testing equipment ... and really, even if I did, it's just numbers ... your mileage may vary.

    I shipped the winglets and mounts off to Pranay Gaikwad, and he has promised to install them, test, and advise his finds as well ... so you will get a few different opinions/reviews. Pranay advised he is having the winglets wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, as he loves the carbon fiber, so I'll post up photos of the wrapped winglets ASAP.

    sorry for the crap photos ... the lighting in my garage was absolute shite that day I took the photos. there is also a very cool GPS mount with this kit ... but I did not want to unmount the existing GPS mount I have in place for this testing.

    one final point to this post ... these are prototype bits and bobs.

    Jamie Clare has advised that he is getting in a piece of equipment that will provide rounded/polished edges on the clear plastic "winglets" ... so ignore these slightly cobby pre-production/prototype bits.

    finally, I have been advised by Jamie that this kit will fit 1200 DVT, 1260, and 950 Multistradas. kits for earlier (pre DVT) models will most likely follow.

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    #1 john clelland, Mar 20, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2021
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
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  2. Subscribed - very interested in this.
  3. to all who are interested ... visit the Iconic Parts site for additional updates/availability/questions that I cannot answer (which will most likely be many, as I am a Wally).

    Jamie Clare (the owner/engineering genius) is very good at pre and post-sales support.

  4. Any discounts
  5. Certainly interested in members view on the winglets.
  6. you will need to inquire with Jamie at Iconic Parts ... https://iconicparts.uk
  7. Looks interesting. Have thought for some time that the turbulence issue lies more with the thin 'waist' of the screen more than anything else.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Do the winglets go up and down with the rest of the screen?
  9. Yes. The winglets are attached on the same mounting bracket as the windscreen.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. I have now looked at the relevant page of the Iconic Parts website and can see that this is part of a larger bracket, spacer arrangement. What isn't clear is if this will work with an existing non Iconic Parts GPS bracket (i.e. Navihalter or Ducati)? Will have to wait for clearer pictures/explanation and see what this actually is.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  11. I would imagine it's designed to fit with the existing Iconic sat nav mount, which in design and fit is not dissimilar to the Navihalter mount, I can't think Jamie would expect you to ditch your Iconic or similar mount, if you just wanted the brace, spacers and winglets option :thinkingface:, of course if Ducati were producing it then it would be a different matter ;).
  12. Except the photo looks like it bolts to the Iconic mount or a revised version of it... maybe just a case of my perception?

  13. ===
    #13 Duncan*, Mar 22, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2022
  14. Yes I see what you mean but I reckon the brace bar could be used with or without the Iconic nav mount, with it, and bolted to the nav mount, as pictured, I would think it will give extra rigidity to the nav mount. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what he comes up with :thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Any update on the winglets
  16. I’m just wondering what their purpose is?
    I’m 5’ 11” and get absolutely no buffeting at all.
    Pikes peak with carbon screen in low allows bib airflow, on high cuts it down and throws rain away more.

    But no buffeting, didn’t get any on my 1200 either, standard, touring or MRA with wing.
    Perhaps it’s not a GS or Triumph Explorer but I didn’t want one of those ……….
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. I just bought the brace, spacers and winglets. I've got the spacers already from another guy but don't use them. I don't want the brace to be installed so I'm hoping I can just go for the winglets. I'm using a PUIG racing screen.
  18. I’m 5’9 and I got massive buffeting with the stock screen and also with the Calsci shorty; much less with the Puig race screen, and practically zero with the PP screen at its lowest point.

    If all you have used is the PP screen, then you’ve truly missed out on the joy of having your helmet bouncing around screaming noisily at any speed over about 30mph. You’re lucky if you don’t get that with the standard screen or some others.
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