Most motorists are pretty good these days. You still get one or two dafties now and again. Usually yoofs in a corsa or small willied BMW drivers. I also get a lot of mums with their kids on the school run. But with a 6yr old grandaughter myself, I kind of understand their frustration. I'm very 2 wheeled aware. Including cyclists. But I nearly took out a blade round my way as I was pulling out of work. He came from nowhere off the bypass and into a 30 at stupid speed. He's a lucky boy that I know thats a danger spot and halted in time. Theres 2 junctions right at that point where you turn off the bypass. One for a school. The other my work lane. The jackass had the nerve to moan and give me the finger. I know the bike, seen it about loads. Sometimes we dont help ourselves. He will be dead soon enough.
I would not say Zero. with my 1200, Termi's, and no baffles many can still hear me. Remember you guys are Filtering? so low revs and between 2 idiots most of that time. Then they would not even hear me. Where I live filtering or whatever it is called is specifically illegal. BUT I know it helps get their attention much of the time. Like when they are slowly rolling forward or back into you? That stupid horn wont be heard, but rev the bike and the exhaust is. Plus anywhere else where you can give a few blips on the throttle. It alerts everyone who heard it that there is a bike near them. At the very least the percentage of people that care will then be more aware to look for the bike. Gonna stop some ass from making a left in front of you? Or running a light... or pulling out in front of you?? NO! Plus, they make the little boys smile. Just hearing that sound might lean a young man towards the Petrol side. And in my mind that right there is a life saved.
I have had drivers a BMW move slowly over so I couldn’t get by on the M5 in stationary traffic and a Nissan driver open their door and I’m the slowest rider out there, with my feet off the pegs. I don’t ride fast filtering You know when a car is bike friendly they give you the widest berth
I never ever travel more than 5mph faster than the traffic when filtering. I put full beam on and also hazard lights and blip. Someone will always switch lanes without indicating. Always. Yes, I move over to let you faster guys past. Good luck to you. Ive caught up 4 incidents of people i let past who've crashed due to lane changers or door openers. I hate filtering, gives me the heebeejeebees. If that sit down armchair thing that was so impatient is reading this, haha. Hope that hurt, I laughed all the way home dickhead.
I believe we call it both. But that is the other name I was forgetting. Thank you. In CA (the only?? place it's legal) they do both. One is when traffic is stopped... the other is when traffic is moving.
Something else I just thought of that mostly sucks? Those people who try to block you or open their door when you are filtering... They are actually sort of the better drivers even though they are assholes. At least they are aware of their surroundings enough to see you coming and then be an ass about it VS the assholes who never know you are there.
There was a time when those metal knee sliders were used for those people.... But dashcams came along . I've not had that in like 10 years though, but I don't do a lot of road riding. I've found people have actually got better and let bikers round/through a lot more than they used to.
Yeah, when you look for motorcycle videos to watch you are inundated with a holes smacking mirrors and crap. and most of the time it is THEIR fault! I have no time for that crap.
A hammer and a blind chisel will soon liberate noise from standard exs. I met a guy at OME who was racing his pantah at Assen thus ventilated..
Exactly. I understand some pipes are ugly and better replaced. Others are really heavy and are better replaced. But £3K for a new pipe on a brand new bike that cost £20K? Nah thats for the birds...
So true I noticed years and years ago that when i was in a car exhaust noise from behind (even Harleys and boi racers) was vague and not directional - basically feck all use for safety pirposes. Modern cars have better sound systems and other gimmicks to distract. Time to face the fact that the only use of loud pipes is to make you seem more manly/womanly/unsure (delete where inapplicable)
Ride like they havn't seen you, the chances are they havn't. Phone users are the worst, on another planet. Not sure loud pipes work as well as sharp reactions.
Many years ago I was a Police Officer and regularly used to sit behind cars oblivious to flashing lights and sirens, some people just switch off when driving. It’s the regularity of the sound I reckon, as soon as you changed the tone of the siren or shouted through the loudspeaker they woke up and moved out of the way.
Its amazing how dozy some drivers are. As soon as I see or hear emergency services, Im practically on the kerb outta the way. But some people just block and sometimes it seems on purpose. Like theyre the most important and an ambulance is secondary. I think they should put bull bars on em to shove em outta the way.
Or the one driver in front that is indicating to go in the left lane while everyone else has pulled over, to get out of the way of the ambulance whats that about just stay on your side and move instead of blocking the way through