New car time

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. 520d would be the most comfortable, quietest choice, they're expensive though. C250 with the 7 speed auto is my choice, lots and lots of torque and heads for the horizon at an impressive pace when you put your foot down, plus 55 mpg.
  2. The accord is a bloody good car.
  3. Merc' A250 Sport (or AMG A45)
  4. Cayman S or R. Most underrated car on the planet. Do it before you die.
  5. Just looked at the CLA and I must admit it looks good on the computer. :eek:
  6. Which merc engines are you looking at?

    In reality you’ll never see 55mpg from a merc lump, there’s not really anything in the mpg stakes between the coupe and the saloon, you only really lose the weight of two extra doo mechanisms. The panoramic roof is really nice though. The 220 and the 250 are the same engine, only difference is the power they make, again not really much in the consumption between them. On average it’ll take 15k for a merc diesel to loosen up, they’re really tight from new so expect to see 38 – 42 mpg for a good few thousand miles.

    There’s no way in hell you’ll get 45 out of an evoque, you have to remember there’s always 2+ tons worth of tank parked there all said and done. I’ve not got personal experience of these but let’s face it, it’s hardly svelte.
  7. what about a Kia Ceed, and take the savings off of the customers bill?
  8. 220d. Been changing my driving behaviour last few months and getting manf figures from all the cars I've been driving. So I'd be disappointed and moaning if I dont get 55 from a car with 65 as its stated number
  9. Checked my Navara today and I`m getting a respectable 23.5 mpg :eek:
  10. Normally about 45-48mpg. A bit more on long runs if I keep the speed down a bit.

    Another reason I moved to the Volvo was for front wheel drive as the beemer was a liability on ice/snow. The V60 got me and family to the Ski resort over New Year with out any dramas over the last mile of icy/snowy roads and no need to put the snow boots on.
  11. 330d coupe auto does 40mpg...if gentle! Seriously cant see these high mpg figures quoted with any use of the performance these cars offer.
  12. We've got a Volvo S40 with the D4 5 cylinder lump in it and if you stick it on cruise control at about 80mph it'll do better than 50mpg but start booting it or towing a trailer with a bike on it and that goes right out of the window. Average over all uses including motorway, town use and towing is about 45mpg.

    It goes well for a lardy diesel based on a Ford Focus which is what counts most :smile:
  13. Nope it wont be, Daisy chauffeuring only for me these days...speed and performance kept for my bike ;-)
  14. just seen a red CLA ................. the dogs !
  15. There's no way you'll see 55 from that engine, perhaps after 20000 miles or so but even then I'd doubt it.

    The problem with the stated figures is that they're under lab conditions which normally means that yes the engine is tested through various simulated test conditions, but they rarely have any loads attached to them, or if they are in the car them they don't have the drive shafts attached.

    Top tip: before selling your car, to impress prospective buyers as to the mpg figure, put your car on axle stands and let it run in gear for half an hour, you'll see high figures then!

    Seriously though, you'll never see 'real world' figures on a manufacturer data sheet.

    I've got a 220d at the mo, it' returning between 38-42 mpg, or in real world terms 530 miles to a tankful with regular commute. That said I've mot had it on a proper 3-4 hour motorway slog as yet so I'd expect those figures to go up by another 5 mpg when settled into a nice cruise after an hour or so.

    I had an E350cdi, and that gave me 485 miles to the tankful so was returning about 38. My c250cdi returned about 44mpg average after 18000 miles. What it might be worth doing is hiring one for a day. After all, you'll get a proper idea free of dealer bollox and marketing pap. Also the hire cars would have been put through their paces so you'll get a nice broad stroke of performance/ consumption / comfort.
  16. On the other hand Sev I can get 700 miles from my C250cdi estate (2010 5 speed auto) on a tank, making 51mpg average (calculated from the litres divided into the miles) and can get over 60mpg on a long run on motorways being careful and keeping the speed to max 70mph .... secret is in using the speed limiter, and NOT the cruise control!
  17. Wow, that's pants. I get 37 out of my 2.3 petrol (automatic) honda accord. Admittedly it's mainly motorway driving but 40 out of a diesel is really poor..
  18. I got shell shares, so the nice 24mpg I get does me well.
  19. I've had 2.0TDI Audi's, VW's, and BM's and never got more than 42mpg out of any of them, that's flogging up and down motorways all day....
  20. I had current 520d auto model and c45k miles pa mostly at flat out or stop and it still returned 44. Add a trailer and it plummetted to 28 but not worried about that now.

    And like I say, from a 2.0 TDCI Mondeo, A3 and present hire car Quashqai 1.5dci I'm getting the manf quoted numbers so they can be done, just means never go over 2k revs, dont accelerate hard etc etc. boring yep but let myself drive how I like on private miles :upyeah:
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