My CG125, complete with original 3 line number plate (which I have obviously messed about in the picture). It has this very day just received some cleaning, lubricating and servicing attention after ploughing through snow drifts and sliding about on salty Angus roads all winter.
My first big bike when i was 19 (i think?) back in 1998 (again i think?). Loved this bike so much and wish i still had her.
Not mine, but I did ride it today from Mont Ventoux (where the picture was taken) to Carpentras. Belongs to a friend of mine. He’s only had it for a few weeks. It was his dream bike 21 years ago.
VJMC Trackday- Castle Combe June 18th. For some reason they like Ducs, so I will be there for a few laps on this.
I was paid for a wiring job with 1 1/2 dismantled CB550Fs. I built one and rode it for about 75,000 miles - until the endless inverted-tooth Hy-Vo cam chain needed replacing, which required a complete engine strip. The first proper Jap bike I'd ridden was a CB750K7, which was frightening in corners - but the 550, essentially a smaller, lighter version of the same bike, was a much better handler and a fun, nimble bike. And a CB900F2 was the first to make me laugh like a maniac - the fastest machine I'd ridden to that point. It went round corners! (Incidentally, Spa Motorcycles, in Cheltenham had - and likely still have - an RD400, brand new built from spares; a Z900 either same or a perfect restoration; a GT750 'Kettle', ditto; and a 4-cylinder 1000cc Kwacker two-stroke, i.e. a 750 with an extra pot...)