1200 DVT Main Stand Removal

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by BigAlan, Apr 11, 2021.

  1. Is it as easy as it looks?

    Springs and a bolt each side, need to powder coat it properly or paint it.

  2. Yes, getting it back on requires a bit of leverage but do-able
  3. I had to replace the main stand on my ST2 - it won't be massively different. Easy to get off as it fell off! Replacement is a bit of a faf but not that hard. This was years ago and I think that I had the bike up on one of my paddock stands. I think that I may of used a tyre lever or big screwdriver to act against the spring in order to get the second bolt started with the holes lined up.

    I did it on my own but if you have another pair of hands then that makes it quite easy.
  4. Easy, two bolts and you’re good to go.

    I took the springs off when I’d removed the bolts used the stand to lever them back on. A bit Heath Robinson, but if you’re careful it’s easier and doesn’t mark the coating.

    Get some tape to cover the crossbar of the stand once you’ve had it powder coated. Despite how thick your powder is, it will still chip. This is the second one I’ve done and the tape keeps it looking fresh.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Use a couple of cable ties on the hook of the spring to pull it back on to the anchor.
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  6. Just replaced my centre stand prior to MOT, the easiest way I found was: before fitting either bolt attach the springs at both ends, then locate and fit the lh bolt, it will be slightly misaligned but will still locate and thread the bolt in loosely, attach a ratchet strap to the rh lower side of the stand and secure to rear wheel, tighten ratchet against spring tension until the rh bolt hole aligns with chassis hole, tighten both bolts, job done!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Yup. X
  8. There's a YT video showing a how to refit with a ratchet strap. Easiest method I found.
  9. I've done this on every Mutli I've owned and it isn't too difficult.
    As suggested though, take care with the new coating once applied, by using a couple of layers of insulation tape and I use a spring lever/hook that makes it a bit easier to pull the springs back into place.
    I also apply some duct tape to the forward facing leading edge on the centre stand once re-fitted, which reduces the impact of stones/grit thrown up by the front wheel.....constantly.

    This will reduce the number of times this re-painting task becomes necessary.:)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. I saw someone online used a load of 2p's between each coil in the spring to open it up enough to re-fit the centre stand easily, I think it was on a GS, but they said with that method it was very straightforward.
  11. I never understood the drama of the centre stand, but maybe it’s different on my 2010.
    Attach the springs on the right, finger tighten the left bolt, use the stand as a lever to enable you to start the right bolt, tighten everything up.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. I used this to replace the stand that the supplying dealer fitted to my 1260 Mutley. They had a regular 1260s and made up a touring pack from parts in their store. Unfortunately they fitted a stand off an Enduro and either didn't bother testing it at all or just didn't care... I had struggled to get it onto the stand a few times but as, at the time, I was parking on gravel it sort of worked OK. It was when I had the 600 mile service at JHP Coventry (not the supplying dealer BTW) the tech came out of the workshop and asked me to come and have a look...


    Supplying dealer did send me the correct stand and I fitted myself using the penny method. It was still quite difficult but I managed after some swearing and huffing and puffing.

    These are the two next to each other...


    You can see that the Enduro stand has been touching down and did so rather alarmingly and not that far heeled over the first time with my the GF on the back, Had it not been damp and I'd been a bit more enthusiastic it could have gone far worse than it did.

    Stand now needs a touch-up and will look into using this, or the ratchet strap, method. Need to buy some ratchet straps so probably this...
  13. And B'kin, I bet you thought you were a riding god when you felt and heard that bigger centre stand touching down. Now you know the reality, so more practice required, but don't go at it too hastily......will you? :p
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. I poo'd myself, almost... New stand was ground in shortly after fitting on a trip to the Dolomites at a more appropriate angle of dangle :D
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