Totally agree and in similar position. Had the jab today but not a believer in all the hype we are fed (some yes, but not all) and I don't get why the death stats are calculated the way they are, so that anyone who dies within 28days of having what is a some what unreliable test, must have died from covid, as no other possible diagnosis is available apparently.
This is interesting, comparing Covid deaths to excess deaths Not many countries over estimating like us!
Today is my Vauxhall Reloaded day. I had a rough time of it with the first shot, so expecting a few minor problems whilst hoping for the best.
Any one else had hallucinations after their first jab? I had my first shot yesterday morning. No side effects all day until after I had a bath later that evening. Not sure if an increase in body temperature changed things but was extremely drowsy after the bath so went to bed. Next 4 hours were pretty wild hallucination which was quite disturbing. In the end I got to 3am and couldn't put up with it anymore, so got up and watched TV till everyone else got up. Never experienced anything like that for at least 30 years and a miss spent youth.
Quite common when you're running a temperature. Shitty dreams, I remember as a kid when going through measels, mumps etc...
It appears that all the countries with the potential to report reasonably accurate information have done so. The differences between nation re excess deaths are entirely due to their governments response or lack of to Covid. I didn't realise that the excess deaths of people aged 45 to 64 had increased across Europe by 40% in early April. However "40% increase" needs more explanation imo.
There aren’t many countries who have reported higher Covid cases than excess deaths like us, some like Russia have quoted Covid deaths as 10% of excess deaths!
Exactly. 40% of bugger all is still bugger all. They just love ramming the fear figures down our throats....
That could be due to over estimation. It could also be due to non-existent testing for four months, incoherent ever changing rules, non closure of education, and the most expensive* but absolutely useless "Track & Trace" system creating a clusterfcuk instead of a measured response to a pandemic? *Current expenditure over the last year £22Billion with the next year allocated another £15Billion. WWII created 21Billion debt for the UK as a comparator.
Phil the Greek was the first person to die of old age in 13 months !! Strange how there been no flu deaths in the last 12 months ?? Massively over hyped by the msm and the gov. Biggest load of bollox I've ever witnessed.