one is on it's 3rd cycle now, i.e. charger "said" was fully charged twice before. What's not looking good is that always drops back to around 10 volts and not improving, i'm not giving up yet though.
Last time Iwent out that was a whole evening of 4 pints and then a meal in the local Indian restaurant.
We're going back a few decades based on those rates, i've not been pubbing for over a year now so who knows what the prices are these days.
Mine both reading 12.96 volts this morning and not charged since yesterday evening, thought i was losing it/meter gone wrong, but no, both the same to 2nd decimal point, and everything might be ok now.
13.3 volts as of now after charging overnight. I will check it again in a few days as now off charge.
I charged mine from Saturday until this morning on the CTEC. It took two days to get a good charge. Its currently at 13.2, and lets see what happens over the next days. I don't plan to return to town until Saturday, so that will be crunch day for the battery.
Lovely you are a star, The strange thing is that i don't really need the batteries as the SL has a new one & the nine sixteen's holding up at the minute, but i guess at that money it doesn';t matter.
just remember to look at the Actuation date, it needs to be 2020 at least.. My charge experience is similar to Jez, slowly coming up now when charger disconnected, have had at least 4 hours each and charger has a desulfate mode, I think nearly all half-decent ones do now anyway.
04/2019, i only have one charger so one at a time for the moment, multimeter reading says 12.90 but drops when holding the tester points on the terminals.
So now that its been off charge for 24 hours the volt meter says 12.6v which within normal/ standard/ slightly above expectations. Not bad!