Back To Life Ms 1000 Ds

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kraken SVQ, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. I'm sorry I meant the jpdiagsoftware picture which you had uploaded in the first page of this post.If you compare the sticker and the gpdiag picture the map is different
  2. You're right Ben, I didn't realize that.
    I looked at the stickers and not at the JpDiag data.
    So at some point someone changed the 96511803BA to 965118203BA.
    The latter is the one that has been best for you.
    But my Multistrada does not have the complete Termignoni line, in fact right now it has an air filter and exhaust pipe installed as standard.
    And I only have a filter and exhaust tails. I don't know if that map will suit me, or if it would be better to return to 96511803BA.
    What do you think?
  3. pump primes before and during cranking sugest the engine ecu is powering up and crank sensor circuit is good. aint sure of the function of the imobaliser but if its priming the pump i suspect its working ok. the ecu switches earths. so are you getting a 12v+ at the injectors and coils when ignition on? if yes, you can use a 501 capless bulb as a noid light. bend the pins out and fire it into the injector connectors, it should flash when cranking. if it aint, get a pin out diagram and check the continuity between the ecu and injectors. if ok and you are getting a good power and earth at the ecu + a crank signal. hmm, ECU.
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  4. This past night since I couldn't sleep, I have been manufacturing two ground cables with 25 mm2 copper cable.

    Cables tierra.jpeg

    I have placed them on the bike in this temporary way.

    Cables tierra moto.jpg

    And it still won't start, so ground problem ruled out right?
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  5. I will try what you say Finm, but I think the ECU is being the main suspect.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. The heavy duty earth from the ECU to the battery is not required. Run the auxiliary earth lead to the bolt of the starter motor on the engine casing. (It has 3 bolts but 2 are hidden by the engine casings)
  7. Just read this thread. Your original ECU is an IAW5AM HW103. The second ECU is an IAW5AM HW610. HW103 and HW610 are not compatible unless they are flashed in hardware compatibility mode. For some reason Ducati used both ECU types on your bike but you cannot put a HW103 on a HW610 equipped bike and vice versa.
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  8. The JPDiag screen shots show the battery voltage at 9.1. The ECUs are voltage sensitive and will not function if the battery is too low. Cranking the starter zaps all the voltage from the ECU if that is the case.
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  9. Have you load tested the battery you are using? Does it hold at least 12 volt when cranking? If you have a new battery ready to go on have you tried it? So many Problems I have come across are caused by what appears to be a good battery with sulphated plates. Maybe a stupid set of questions but stupid little old me has made most of them.:)
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  10. Hi kraken
    Keep your map (. . . 203BA).Only if you will use dynamometer you will find differences.You will spend money and time.These maps ,for example dp 96511803B isn't fantastic,OEMs maps as you 203BA are better.
    For your problem....Try to do the injector test using jpdiag or guzzidiag or scanm5x or tuneecu.If the test is sussesful you will hear the fuel pump and a noise as coil test.Try to disconnect an injector (it is difficult because it has a safety pin ) and notice if your ECU shows errors.If the ECU shows error I think it is working.The ecu grounds the injectors digitally at pins 28,37 on engine ECU place.When you try to start the motor,pull the clutch and lift the side stand. I suspect that it s the neutral switch's fault. It might be cutting off the ECU when the motor is trying to start..
    #50 ben155, Apr 28, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
  11. Hi Chris
    You knows better the ECU ,but I think the dp ECU 96511803B is HW103 and she is compatible for all multis 1000.The map which kraken has (...203BA) is correct for hw610 ecus
  12. 965118203BA is an IAW5AM HW610 DP map for the MTS1000DS.
    96511803B is an IAW5AM HW103 DP map for the MTS1000DS.
    They are not interchangeable. If your bike came with HW610 then you cannot fit HW103 and vice versa.
    You can reflash in hardware compatibility mode and this allows the ECU to be used on either bike.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. Hi Chris
    I know that for rewrite maps to 103 to 610 and vice versa.I misunderstood your previous post. I thought you meant that ECU 610 cannot be used on a bike that had ECU 103.
    Is 965118203BA dp map?In the ddg maps it looks OEM.Also I find it in OEM virgin ECU.
  14. The 965118203BA is an odd one. Maps starting with a 9 indicate they are DP. However, it also appears on MTS1000DS that do not indicate they have Termis fitted. Search the map ref here
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  15. Are you getting any backfires or airbox blowbacks when cranking the bike over ?
    i've got termi's on my ds1000 and it will run with standard & termi ECU (just ticks over at 2500rpm with standard) so i would think your ecu would let the bike run to some point even if its not the perfect map.
    Mine also cranks over but won't start with standard earth but starts perfect when extra earth cable is added.
    I'm sure you have aleady check spark plugs but have to ask , mine built up carbon deposits causing misfires.
    I know i've mentioned it before but have you tried bump starting yet?
  16. So I can't use the hw610 on my bike?.
    Do I have to buy an HW103 and program it?
    At least disable the immobilizer, right?
    #56 Kraken SVQ, Apr 29, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021

  17. This is the screw you say, right?

    Tornillo motor de arranque 1.jpg

    Tornillo motor de arranque 2.jpg
  18. The battery is not good, that's why I always connect a car battery when I do the tests. At that time it would not be connected.
  19. The starter motor turns perfectly, and when I act on the side stand or on the gearbox, the starter motor stops. If the neutral switch were to fail, it would not crank the starter motor, just like when I engaged a gear.
  20. How can I do that?
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