Damn looks like you've just missed out on this very tidy one then. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/16465568...rentrq:5c8f7cbf1790a6453586810affe9047c|iid:1
This buyer has two Indiana's for sale but i'm sure these sold recently or i've gone mad or other. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/15444683...rentrq:5c9201db1790a0f053e33355ffdeca54|iid:1
https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C1335391 This bike was for sale in Kent last year for a lot less. The ad has a totally different bike in one of the photos. What a stupid price. I hate these chancers....
I remember the photo of it in the van, I'm sure it belongs to a member on here or did and not been on here for a long time, think he might be on the other Ducati forum.
It was on eBay last week and pretty sure it's not aircon's. I commented on it and found it curious that a race bike should have road parts on it, given the claimed history. definitely not worth £35K, I'd say at least £25k over priced. Andy
996 Bip with low mileage. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303995063775?hash=item46c7848ddf:g:oT0AAOSw-ThgmstD
would appear to be a good price.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/114790369269?hash=item1aba0a07f5:g:1A4AAOSwupFgjtLT
Agreed, but what's it like in a strong sidewind as i certainly noticed a difference on my Superlight in recent times compared to the others..
would put it down to one of the tolerable hazards of ownership myself. I don't think that will hang around, at least two dealers currently have similar, with higher mileage, fairing and cosmetic "issues" for almost twice the price.
I'm surprised this lovely Panigale V2 / R has not sold yet. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12468502...rentrq:69edae6f1790ad396b4eb910ffdcd5ea|iid:1