French Gp Live In Itv4

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by simmytt, May 9, 2021.

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  1. Just checked on my smart tv, TV Guide and live MotoGP programme is in the schedule. 2 drawbacks from my point of view, the coverage won’t be in HD and Steve Day and Simon Crafar on the same commentary team :scream: Andy
  2. Thanks for that, great spot! all now on record on sky box
  3. ITV4 is HD.
  4. Not on Freeview in my region. Andy
  5. I’ll check my free digital service on my other tv as I was sure all the ITV channels had HD option. Obvs I’m on sky and that does. Maybe they will stream live via their Hub smart app, which is defo HD?
  6. Somewhat unhappy having already forked out for a Dorna MotoGP Videopass of £170 at the beginning of the year having not wanting to pay BT for the other sport I didn't want to consume. I agree with the article that we need to attract more spectators to the sport, but that's what video highlights packages are for for free to air TV
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  7. Nice one I get it on firestick Kodi but it always glitches pauses or goes off so looking forwArd to watching it a normal way
  8. Little bump reminder in case people aren’t aware :upyeah:
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  9. It’s ok I started checking ITV4 last Sunday and even into Monday for the highlights. :blush:
  10. Long time subscriber. Money well spent, huge amount of content to imbibe. Birty and Day great in the commentary, and Simon Crafar (after a horrendous possum caught in the headlights start really displaying his huge in depth knowledge of riding and technical aspects of the game. Buying a dorna video pass supports the sport I love greater than all others. If we don't support it, how will it survive? The world is a commercial, consumer driven one, particularly minority sports like ours that don't attach the mega wealthy corporates as do footie, golf, tennis or that paint drying engineering dominant 'sport' F1.

    I'm in favour of the periodic free giveaway of GPs, because it's the only way to expand the viewership of the greatest show on earth.

    Le Mans. Weather for Frogs so it seems. Going to be tough to keep their Gitanes dry though; berets not really designed for the task.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. that will teach me to try understanding a thread at 4.09 a.m. :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Following the Moto GP on ITV4 at 2:10, they have the best IOM Senior TT races of the decade followed at 3:15 by The Unrideables : 2 stroke GP 500s. Andy
    #15 Android853sp, May 16, 2021
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  13. It was great to see a live race again after all these years, Thank you for the tip-off @simmytt . :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I even bumped it ;). It’s on ITV4+1 now. On sky that’s channel 220.
    #17 bradders, May 16, 2021
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. Damn, sorry Sev, I didn't think to mention yesterday, wish i had now of course.
  16. Think it ‘may’ be the next two as well. There were different reports. But Dorna aren’t happy with lack of exposure only being bt sport U.K. it seems.
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