I'm from Edinburgh and I like the English. I married one. I still hope you lose at football though. Saying that, our national team are shiter than a shite thing getting shited out a shitey arse.
to late, about seven of you did already, as per. but i agree, move on, why seek advice from those that know jack all?
Scotland deserves it own thread! I'm not starting it though. We could have a combined a Scotland and Brexit thread! I'm sure that it won't be controversial!!!! I promise that a) I won't come in and start talking KTMs for I am in the KTM forum now, and b) Whisky may be mentioned - but that was on a different thread - but maybe it should!
Whiskey. It’s Irish, the proper one.(so I was forcefully told by an Irish person) and who am I to argue???
I didnt mean car/motorbike commute, thats terrible I agree. Meant more, live in Como/Lugano fly into London City for work 2-3 days a week and go back for remainder. Not possible with every job, not possible during covid times. So it all depends on personal circumstances.
I can’t stand football. It’s a game for kids and chavs. It actually cheers me up how useless England is at football yet it’s probably the biggest sport in the country most disappointing nation of soccer players going.
As the "rest of Spain" bombed them, tortured them, banned their language, burnt their books, even forbade them to use Catalan names on their gravestones until the death of Franco, they have strong grounds for grievance. Additionally, due in part to their geographic location, the area has created far more wealth than the Catalans have benefited from and this too is an issue. Of course the over zealous out of state police La Guardia Seville has always been a problem and very recently too. The Catalans are wonderful people with a few dodgy fcukers thrown in, just like England & everywhere else in my book. I've lived there on the coast, and in the mountains -Andorra- and have found them to be gracious and welcoming.