Very sad face...:(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nelson, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Hope the insurance chap brings good news?
  2. You better keep away from your female, you know what they say, once you've had black, you never go back :wink: Get well soon and I hope the insurance works out for you :upyeah:
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  3. Cat C. :frown:
  4. That's not so bad........ Non-economic repairable......... buy the scrap and let them pay you out (if the scrap value is good)......

  5. :upyeah:

  6. Nelson...............I'm not sure about this and I'm too lazy to check up on it.........but when I did my ZXR750 in, it was an 'uneconomical repair write off'...........but it wasn't actually written off.

    And the dealer that I bought it from was originally going to trade it in against the ZZR1100 I was buying.........however, the dealer bought the wreck and sold me the ZZR1100 at the original trade-in price.....

    .....he then repaired the ZXR750 economically but properly, in brilliant low-mileage condition and resold it from his showroom at a sensible price.

    He told me that he made more dosh out of my deal by selling the rebuilt wreck rather than trading it in undamaged, so he obviously got the wreck for a song.

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  7. Al,

    Here's what I have learned in the last few days.
    The salvage value is based upon a % value of the book price of the vehicle and varies from insurance company to insurance company, also depends on the category write off.

    In my case I was 'lucky' that the insurance company I'm with offer very low salvage/buy back %.
    Obviously the more you negotiate up the "book" price the more you will be quoted for the salvage.

    The down side was that once my bike was designated Cat C my insurance company immediately withdrew cover.

    Not been idle....


  8. Surely the parts are worth more than the salvage purchase cost?


    PS...I am more concerned for you about how she presents her case; hopefully she will admit liability......keep us informed.
  9. In my case yes. :wink:
  10. There you go..........but can you get another bike from the payout? Hope so.....

    And if you think about it, road riding has risks.......sometimes the day out has your name on it and you catch a bad one.........but if you go racing, if you have it in you, then I bet you have more offs on the track...

    .........and you get away with not getting hurt too badly............until one day.....

  11. Cheers Al,

    At the moment I've washed my hands of road riding, 3 offs in 3 years anit no fun.
    I've bought the bike back and am busy converting to track, after that who knows....:upyeah:

    I enjoy the tinkering as much as the riding...:smile:
  12. You certainly do tinker well to be fair nelson, I look forward to the build.:smile:
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  13. I'd laugh if it didn't hurt so much...

    Yesterday she was withholding admission of fault because apparently I didn't have my lights on..:mad:
    Now, bear in mind it was 9.00am and a bright clear morn, I had my lights on, indicator on, brake light on, as well as a high viz tabard...:rolleyes:

    Happy days...

  14. I didn't realise you were required to have your lights on during the day? Especially on a bike that was built before the EU requirement?
  15. She's just being a huge twat...:rolleyes:

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  16. Yes, she is but what's even more stupid is that the insurance company are entertaining the notion and actually are professionally saying " yes, that's a just reason why she isn't liable." It really baffles and angers me how it all works out.
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  17. Quite right...running lights are not a legal requirement in the UK for vehicles made prior to 2011-ish and it does not apply to motorcycles anyway.

    And your photo (I hope you have others) clearly shows the weather and visibilty conditions.

    And thinking about it.......because I can't see your photo anymore (But I have got a copy) you should ask the question "Why is she over double white lines and crossing a ghost island?".

    Turn the tables, mate.

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  18. mate, ive swayed with this opinion/dilemma for it really worth it in the UK??

    My Duke was off the road for 4 years and ive just got her that time, she's cost me over a grand...ive had a snapped chain, big service, then another one due to the chain, MOT and insurance, chipping on my refurbished wheels (that took several years to finally have rechromated and painted correctly), broken tab and gouged bellypan, a paint chip on the front of the side fairing etc etc...

    Prior to this was a non fault off which led to the never ending 'repair' courtesy of the incompetants at 4th Dimension (promise me you'll never use them to even supply you with a washer)...she spent 2/3rds of the last 4 yrs at their workshop gathering dust and killing 2 new batteries...then there was the immobiliser issue....and now my lid is past its sell by...i did less than 400 miles in 4 yrs..trouble is, i love the fkn thing and if i get back into riding, which is very questionable at the moment, then i would prefer to keep her in the garage and buy a newer bike and keep the 916 as an investment/ornament..failing that, put the money to a stupid sports car that only comes out on high days and holidays..

    A very expensive hobby with very little reward in many respects..i actually get more pleasure from cleaning and staring at her..if i had the expertise and could keep my temper in check id deffo be in the build game, but im not and dont want to start tinkering because when i hit the inevitable problems i would start smashing stuff up as is my M.O.
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  19. Don't forget the track can hurt you very badly. Again, someone else can be the deciding factor whether you go home, hospital or morgue.
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  20. And if you do have an off, stay put until the noise stops...........

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