Yellow Relay 916, Supersport Etc

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Petsmith, May 20, 2021.

  1. I wanted to replace my yellow 5 pin relay as it was looking a bit sad and the plastic cap fell off. It is 26 years old so no complaints. So I got a generic 5 pin switch over relay and nothing works at all with it installed. Then I tried a second one and again, nothing works. Put the old yellow one back in and all is well.
    I then found some info that suggests there are 2 different types where pin 30 and 86 are swapped 2021_05_20_10.31.19~2.jpg
    My new ones are type B so I assumed the yellow relay is type A but not so. The pin layout is the same.
    The question is, what's different about the yellow relay? Does it perhaps not have the diode that all the generic relays have?
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  2. This may fit the bill Hella HL87483
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  3. That would be the one, just can't find one for sale so far.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. I passed this information on the John Cellier (formerly known as Ducati John) as he was trying to source an alternative for the yellow relay. He has confirmed the relay works perfectly and that he was supplied with part number 4RA 933 791-161.
  5. It was all down to the right search term. As soon as I googled main power relay or main current relay I found lots. Hella is the brand that comes up the most but there are others.
    So thanks everybody, I'm all sorted with a new relay.
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