This from a man who believes this??? Very funny, you're provoking me. OK then, to spell it out literally - the European Parliament is public, open, transparent, and all its members are elected democratically. Everything it does is highly publicised and widely debated. The only oaths are to serve the people. The contrast with a secretive private club could scarcely be more extreme. Unbelievable.
That's not a bad point. Problem is, the information from the Euro parliament is available, it's just that no one bothers to report on it. And then everyone says that's it's all being done behind their backs. It's ironic that people whinge that so many powers are being transferred to Brussels, but no one seems to complain that we aren't informed about what goes on by the media. If so many decisions are being made there, why isn't there a "Today in Europarliament" type programme on the box? Or some discussion about it on the news? The lack of transparency isn't down to lack of information, it's down to lack of interest. Whereas the Masons...
Euro parliament is on its last legs. It's bankrupt of ideas and money. The people of Europe will eventually storm the building and burn the place down whilst the Germans stand there dumbfounded.
Would you let us into your fantasy world then, and tell us what exactly it is that you don't believe, duke63?
It's more of interest how so many people on here claim that Masons are so secretive on one hand and then on the other they are such an expert on what dodgy things they get up to. Did you know that they are in the top 20 donators to Charity in the UK?
thats a very good point. and it Certainly calls into question some peoples points of view on the masons in this thread.....who claim to know both ways lol
So are you saying on the one hand that the Mason are not really secretive after all? Or are you saying on the other hand that their secrecy is so effective that no-one could possibly know about the dodgy things they get up to?
Anyone who is wealthy and wishes to demonstrate their generosity is free to donate as much to charity as they wish at any time; more power to their elbow. But why would they need to join some kind of secretive club in order to do so?
You say you know that masons are all dodgy dealers and the whole thing is a front for corrupt practice so you are obviously the expert. The reality is that you know jack-shit about it other than what you have read in the Guardian or the Mirror.
You'd have to wonder if the City of London wasn't infinitely more corrupt and secretive than the Masons. They weren't exactly effusive about what they were getting up to with LIBOR and their dodgy bits of paper. Is the City a big charity donor?
So how many people who are non white, Anglo Saxon Protestants are members then?Got many black people? Muslims? Catholics even? how about a republican?
God's teeth man, that's the whole point of this thread! Tell us about them, or stop complaining when someone calls the masons secretive.
I really have to ask, who cares? If they want to be in a club, let them. They have done go harm to me, and even if they had I wouldn't know as they're so secretive.
There are people of all faiths involved......except maybe many Catholics as sections of the Vatican frown upon it, i believe. Your only condition in joining is a belief in a supreme being. It just shows how little many understand of it...other than what is printed in the sensationalist press.
yes it is, it tells you about their structure.....yes i know youlll be saying it only tells you what they want you to know.............but welcome to the world that is.
A lot like the EU Parliament then that Pete thinks is so open and wonderful...........................and bankrupt.:biggrin: