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Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by hypermotbloke, May 25, 2021.

  1. Containers aren’t that expensive to loose though, some might be damaged so just left as they either can’t be repaired due to cost or lack of parts. When I’ve worked in container yards it’s Lind a barometer of the economy. If they’re stacked 5 high it’s a recession 2 high it’s a boom and everything in between over the years. The container owners have to store the unused ones somewhere and it costs, it takes more planning than you’d think this international commerce.

    I didn’t read the whole article on the NHS but there’s bound to be extra pressure now lockdowns easing, my dentist although private will do and did do emergency NHS treatments. But they had to be emergency, not as one Lady wanted which was long term treatment for her teeth falling out.
  2. From what I read on that a lot of home grown workers have completely left the industry due to future uncertainty on job security or they’d found better conditions elsewhere. My daughter quit her job as a waitress last year just before the pandemic due to people just being plain rude to staff across the board. She works counter now in a takeaway until her uni course has finished for a lot easier job for the same money. Time the hospitality industry upped conditions and pay, supply and demand.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. In any other industry, shortage is a boom time, expansion, loads of money made & everyone is happy. Maybe Brexit makes recruiting foreign dentists difficult?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Depends where you’re taking these dentists from though, mines a New Zealander who did his training and the qualified over here when he was young.

    If you’re recruiting from other countries with the same standards but a less advanced economy seems a little wrong IMO. A brain drain if you will on countries less wealthy than here.

  5. IR35 is having a predictable effect on employment as well in fairness.

    I know a fair few people who have moved to secure jobs outside of ir35 or indeed outside of the country. Right shit show that has been. Has left a big hole in staffing.
    • Agree Agree x 3

  6. Things look like they’re going that way from what I’m seeing.

    wages for the type of work I do/can do are on the up
    • Like Like x 1
  7. True enough, but they have done well for years, paid less taxes than otherwise and as one loophole closes, another will open.

  8. This ir35 though is a shit answer to the question.

    Firstly because you can get around it easily. And secondly because the self employed pay less tax - yes, but they also do not get the benefits of someone on PaYEE.

    The rollout of it makes the governments handling of covid look superb aswell.
  9. If people can get around it easily, why are they upset?

    The discussion on how much extra money people should nett in return for "lost" employee benefits is an eternal one.
  10. Ethically speaking recruiting from overseas in this way is awful for the locals -particularly the poor- in those countries. Until you think the poorly paid nurse can come to the UK* or France USA etc, earn far better money, and send it to her country, support her family. There's a lot of evidence to show that many return later in life and bring their accumulated wealth with them.

    *I'm not sure nurses can easily come to the UK anymore. I'm not sure they are paid enough to qualify for fast track visas.

  11. It’s just the cock around of having to move everything around.

    but from an employer stand point, it’s a pain as well
  12. My understanding that we do actively recruit from the Far East the last programming I watched the NHS had a dedicated team recruiting in the Philippines.

    I’m sure the less well off countries appreciate the money ‘sent’ home but given the cost and time to train a Nurse or Doctor unless you’ve in place a way to counterbalance this drain your healthcare will suffer also.
  13. My wife has just lost a contract due to IR35, despite blatantly having a multiple client base. Big company too which she has worked with for close to 15 years.
    Picked up another two jobs though and no longer has to cover on call rota. Take with one hand give with the other.

    My previous work in home improvements and building industry was always difficult. Companies often did not know the health of the order book any further than two months ahead. So how could they realistically offer everyone full time contracts? ...also the then benefits of being self employed of lower taxation also squeezed. People forget about the risk, no holiday pay, no sickness pay, no job protection.
    All a bit of a farce now.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. ,
    You are correct, a quick google shows that nurses can come to the UK fairly easily under the fast track system launched on Jan 1st.

    I'm conflicted about the issues though. I wandered around the world for years. I stole local peoples jobs. I was an illegal immigrant many, many times. I was possibly a Brain drain on the UK. I was not held back by borders where ever possible. I paid taxes everywhere that doing so was possible without being deported -so not that often. I lived my life the way I chose, I always considered it wasn't my fault that I wasn't born with the passport of the country I wanted to be in. Some would say thats wrong, perhaps even immoral or criminal. I just shrug.
    • Like Like x 2
  15. Ordered a pair of paddock chairs from Racefoxx in Germany 4 weeks ago. Got an email from them this morning saying they’d been returned as paperwork wasn’t complete.

    They said the export paperwork was bang on and they’ve since DHL’d them to me. Some over zealous EU twat no doubt. Fuckers those EU twats.... Good riddance!!
  16. Brexit, the pandemic, Suez blockage. With humans causing all of it!
  17. Lets not get carried away eh. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Boris is busy fixing that in his own unique way.
  19. I would only be annoyed if the site stated 'in stock' and then you get the email explaining the wait.

  20. They're just struggling with not being shit and listing things as in stock when they never are.
    Stopped using them a few years ago for exactly this reason.
    • Useful Useful x 1
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