Just fitted a set to my 1299. Had 3 sets of SC so going to be a change. Set pressures to 34/34 as still relatively cool. Will take them for a run today to bed in and see how they compare to OEM Sc.
Done a 100 mile on the twisties so very early days but seem a good tyre although quite different to the OEM Supercorsa. Front tyre has lots of grip more so than the rear. The front is very neutral steering and confidence inspiring and is definitely the stronger tyre imo. Rear has less grip than an oem Pirelli Supercorsa SP. Nothing silly, but felt the back moving around a little and never had that with the Supercorsa on the road.
I run S22's on my 1299, I think you may be running the pressure a little bit high on the rear. I stick to the book pressures which are 2.1 bar rear and 2.3 bar front, thats about 30.5 psi rear and 33.5 psi front (when riding solo), so if you drop it down a bit at the rear it might help with the rear moving around? A great tyre though.
34psi in the rear seems way too high. If you get heat in it it’ll go even higher. I’d drop it 5psi and take it from there.
You say that mate, but remember it is a bridgestone. I was running 30 rear and 34 front hot at Donington and probably could have gone higher tbh it was that cold. I LOVE the front bridgestone. Not so keen on the rear myself.
Don't forget that it can change 2 psi during the day even sat in the garage due to ambient temperature.
I'm running Metzeller M7RR's on the KTM. I'm loathed to change them as there's tons left on front and rear (rear's brand new). I'm doing a trackday at Cadwell when I get home so want to give them a good scrubbing. I'm a bit wary of the front though because even poncing about on the road it felt a bit skittish turning in with a sniff of brakes on moderate lean... Not sure what to do. What do you reckon??
I’ve raced on m7rr’s in the cold dude. I would say that the s22 is a step up personally. the front end feels pretty close to a race tyre to me
Commuted on these for a couple of years (with some hairy weekend blasts in between) on my 899 superb all round tyre imo
Agree. The ambient temp was cold at 10degC and I'm scrubbing the release agent off, so not going mental. I previously ran 34f 31r with Supercorsa for fast road and will try that next time out.
Is the general consensus stick with supercorsa pressures? Just fitted a set of S22 to my monster 1200r and stock pressures are 31 rear 33 front for the supercorsa. Never had a problem at those pressures, not been out on the S22 yet.
Here you go; https://www.bridgestonemotorcycleti...ack-Day-Air-Pressure-Chart-May-2020-FINAL.pdf The front works better on the harder side I’ve found
Guy at Snetterton had a pair on a 'pirilla RF Thursday without warmers and they seemed to wear well. He was doing 2:15's.