Cheryl Cole showing us how its done..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. But she is utterly sexy. That's about 97% the point of her.
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  2. Cheryl Cole is, to my mind, basically two things. Firstly, a pretty average (although, it has to be said, fairly successful) kareoke singer. And secondly a violent thug with a conviction for racially agravated assault. "Sexy" she most definitely is not - and she is, therefore, totally pointless ! Obviously other people will disagree...
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  3. On a technicality, was she not convicted of assault NOT racially aggravated assault?
    So she's in fact just a violent thug, not a violent racist thug, which is much better I'm sure you'll agree.

    Can't stand the over hyped bint. I just wonder how she reinvented herself as lovely lovely Cheryl. Can it be because she looks good in a short skirt and tight top? Is the country really that shallow?

    Oh, sorry, news just in. It is.
    #4 shadow, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2013
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  4. I'm sorry Shadow, but I believe that yes, the country really IS that shallow... And I'm not sure that it makes much difference to the Nigerian toilet assistant that she beat up exactly what "the lovely Cheryl" was actually convicted of...
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  5. Actually I suspect it has a lot to do with the fact that in Ashley Cole she managed to find someone so unpleasant that she ended up looking like the classy one in the relationship.

    Oh, and the short skirts and low cut tops helped.
    #6 shadow, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2013
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  6. heres her audition..utter shite by any stretch of the imagination..if Waterman hadnt got the first stiffy he'd had in years she would be just another Geordie chav with crooked teeth, lank greasy hair and spots..

    we know X Fucktor is shite, but would this vessel even have got past the first stage??

    #7 funkyrimpler, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  7. I guess they did indeed conclude that she had the X factor, and she still does, but not a lot else.
  8. Living proof that you can. indeed, polish a turd !
  9. It's not polished.

    It's just been rolled in glitter :smile:
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  10. Its not so much you can polish them as they can be manipulated into something altogether more palatable.
  11. a shit sandwich?
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  12. Im shallow,shes lovely.
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  13. and this of course..

    #15 funkyrimpler, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  14. I despise her! Strong word but I do. No talent, chavvy bint. If you pased her stacking shelves in tesco you'd look twice, but that'd be about it. It's only cause she's on telly that people lust after the slag.
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  15. Reminds of when I went to a 'girls aloud' concert by accident
  16. Amended for you
  17. So I stand alone as the only bloke here who'd smash her back doors in..?

    Sometimes I worry about you Ducati types...
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  18. We like to be just stuck up our own arses not hers
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