Has Portugal gone amber again?? If so you’ll need a day 2 and day 8 test kit for your return. When you buy the test kit ~£130, you’ll have to enter the reference number on your passenger locater form. That’ll give a QR code that cross references your test kit. Oh, and don’t forget your 10 days self isolation when you get back. And they call you daily when you get back.... it’s a ball ache alright. I have to travel for work. There’s no way I’m going through all this shit for leisure purposes....
100%. Good luck to those who feel it’s needed, we’re all different in our approaches but it sounds one hell of a PItA.
This link is to the Government guidance on travel to'from the UK, and the entry for Portugal says: "Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira) Currently on the green list. Will move to amber list 4am, Tuesday 8 June. If you arrive in England after then you need to follow the amber list rules." https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england Hope it helps. Good luck if you decide to go! Tom.
It’s actually not too bad getting back. BUT, you must have your paperwork aligned. Otherwise it’s a stress fest feverishly filling in forms on your handset whilst queuing up for your flight. Ask me how I know....
So, new variant can get past the vaccine....lock down forever then? About time those in charge starting making decsions and adding balance rather than act like sheep. World is over populated anyway. Biggest threat to our kids future is nothing to do with climate change: it’s population explosion. Natures way of dealing with that is.....
Yeah, like we didn’t see that development coming.... Wankers! Authoritarian creep and control continues. Thing is, governments across the globe are quite enjoying their new found powers and control over the masses. They won’t want to give it up.... it’ll go on for fucking ages I’m afraid. Grrrrr.....
While debt piles up, but will never be repaid, and people are ‘comfortable’ and get used to it, govt love this power. It’s like all their dreams come true.
Just announced supersonic travel returning in 2029. Because by 2029 only Zuckerburg, Bazos et al will be able to travel. And they’ll want to do it quickly. Cvnts.... Err, thread drift alert....
I take my hat off to those with the tenacity to wade though all this shit and get to a euro. I got very pissed off, very early on with it all. I'm spending this time of division and mass psychosis with my head firmly stuck in the sand and my arse on a MTB. Let know when it's all over - if ever.
I said this last year when Mugello got cancelled I wasn't going to bother until this had all calmed down. It's all well and good we've had a huge headstart on vaccinations but the rest of the world is behind, so to me it was pretty obvious it wasn't going to be plain sailing in 2021, possibly 2022 at this rate. I know some of the guys out there on this Euro currently, hopefully their flights get them back before Tuesday otherwise what a PITA for 3 days on track.