V2 Map Upload

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by aviating cud, Jun 17, 2021.

  1. Hi all, I’m taking delivery of my V2 next week hopefully and am currently looking at the vandemon slip ons from Australia but I have a couple of questions which you may be able to answer. Where do I get a map upload from? How do I install it? Can the map be removed easily and the standard map used in case I want to do a trackday on the bike which will probably require the standard exhaust as I tend to only go to oulton as it’s so close to me. Thanks
  2. The upmap is software only now, assigned to the VIN number of the bike when purchasing the official exhausts. I don’t believe dealers can just map without it being assigned.

    I did see Termi sell an upmap unit on eBay. But I don’t know anyone who’s used one
  3. I used Termi upmap bought online for my 899.
    It’s a dongle you connect to the bike. Download Termi app to smart phone then pair dongle with phone then load map from the app. First download is free but then any more changes(mapping) you have to pay; through the app.
  4. Thanks. So if I delete and re-install the map it will cost me each time? Where do I get a dongle from to upload?
  5. Does that mean I can only use the official Ducati Akro slip ons with the upmap? Thanks
  6. I’ve seen various upmapped panigale’s on dynos with shite fuelling tbh.

    I’d get it done properly personally but I guess warranty and all that
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I could stretch to the akras but can I delete and re-install the akra map myself so I can use the bike with the standard exhaust for a trackday?
  8. No, I think a dealer has to do it as it’s not a map key like the 899/959. Where you could remove it and re add it.

    custom mapping might be the best option. I spoke to CJS a while ago I think and he hadn’t done one but would give it a go, I’m sure he’s done them by now
  9. Thanks for the info. I’ll give them a call tomorrow but I think it’s going to be a bit of a headache to upload and delete the map if I want to do a trackday with the standard exhaust.
  10. other option is a Rapid bike Evo and then switch maps when you change the exhaust.
    map switching takes only a few minutes..
    plus you will have the active correction to the exhaust you are fitting.
    I have one on my 1199 and they seem to be able to make large changes in incremental steps
  11. With the Termi upmap dongle, every time you change map you pay; after the initial map up load.
    On the app it gives you 4 choices (899) depending on what exhaust configuration you have.
    Full system, Termi without baffles, Termi with baffles, etc.
    This is for Termi exhaust parts only mind.
    The dongle I bought online from an Italian bike shop.
  12. Thanks. Looks like I have to make a decision between having the end cans permanently and no trackdays or keep the standard exhaust and have the odd trackday.
  13. let us know how you get on with this?
  14. Do you know how much each download is please?
  15. I will do. I already have a track bike but I hardly use it so was thinking I could have the best of both worlds and use the V2 on the road and track. The vandemon slip ons are reportedly 102db with the baffles which is too close a call for my local track.
  16. personally I think they are still expensive by the time you pay import duty on them also, I'm in the same boat, but decided standard is the only way to avoid hassle
  17. From memory it was about €80.
  18. Thanks. Could get expensive if a did 3-4 trackdays a year.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. I can get them for a little over £1800. They come with baffles which drop it to 102db which is too close to risk at oulton. I could always get the akras with the upmap and if needed try the baffles from piperwerx or run the standard exhaust with the flapper lock wired open for the track.
  20. The flapper valve is only shut between 3500-4K revs anyway so wouldn’t really matter for track anyway. Ironically I’m thinking of running a servo eliminator on mine anyway because I don’t want anything that holds more heat in the exhaust around town. Especially when it’s only there for noise emissions.

    Im told by MotoRapido you don’t need to lock wire it open as it’s open by default and the servo pulls it closed.

    I’ll get Akrapovic and custom baffles from JHP I think if I bother changing, but the van demon look like a great option. Following that it’s the Arrow ones but they seem bloody loud!
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