
Discussion in 'Forum How To's - create an Avatar/Event/Group etc?' started by Ducbird, Jun 19, 2021.

  1. We are aware that a few of you, me included aren’t receiving private messages notifications via email.
    It is being looked into
    @El Toro @Rob
    • Like Like x 2
  2. It would seem there is a software issue and recognition of Hotmail email addresses. BT addresses are also affected.

    I’m not sure what, if anything, can be done but the techs are looking into it for me.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. I was just about to congratulate you folk on fine work there as no more deleting unwanted email warnings.:)
  4. Does that mean above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^all fixed now Viv,:thinkingface:
  5. No
  6. Typical British workers.;)
  7. It’s a BT and/or Hotmail software issue
  8. I'm on BT as you well know so the messages are not coming through, but that's ok by me.:upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
  9. I am with Sky and I don't receive anything.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. If its only effecting certain email providers then it sounds like an authentication/DMARC issue rather than being software related. I've used to assess and troubleshoot deliverability issues in the past.
  11. @Rob ?
  12. +1 on this please, not getting emails either.
  13. It also seems weird that my poll on face masks has gone tits up as well. Hmmm… :thinkingface:
  14. Don't fix .........Keep it as is please.:)
  15. My 996 owning friend tried to sign up last night. He hasn't recieved a confirmation/authentication email. I'm well aware of Microsoft email being very strict on delivery of email that even has the slightest whiff of not being legit. He's on Office365.

    It probably works for some users but not others. Probably Office365, Hotmail, Yahoo and BT email addresses are having email from the site rejected by default.

    If this is the case there may well be mechanisms within your online settings for you email account to white-list (pre approve) certain email addresses.
  16. There are no outstanding applications.......awaiting confirmation or not. Has he had his email?
  17. Not as of this morning. Will ask him again and, if he's OK with it, PM you his email address so you can see if he's on the system.
  18. Either his emails address or his chosen username :)
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