August 15th brands hatch, festival Italia, if there are still demo bike places left you can get in at a reduced rate. I have been for the last 4 events, always loads to see, Italian super cars, classics, bikes etc. Racing and F1 demos (bring ear plugs). If you are going maybe could meet up, COVID permitting.
I put my application in yesterday for an individual pass, so waiting to see if I get a discounted entry, only 6 places left. Doesn’t look like there are any Ducati clubs attending this year as there was no option to get in a Ducati club area. Let’s hope the weathers good. Only been once before and it was free entry and the weather was amazing, lots to see. I think year before last I didn’t bother because of the weather, might be why there’s a £10 entry this year to encourage more that might not to bother going?
I’m sure it is, I wouldn’t not expect to pay an entrance fee unfortunately it’s too far from me to be a realistic proposition.
I’ve had my display confirmation this morning and will be attending subject to the weather. Will be travelling M25/26 from Surrey to Wrotham Heath exit if anyone else is going?
I'm going, taking my dad who has never been and wifey, was a good day out last year, will be in the car though, will be meeting some ex members from here ....
Hello buddy. Will be the first ride of the year, not counting the MOT trip! Are you going? Are you on a Mutley still?
I’ve just submitted my application, there were 4 spaces left so not too busy for bikes but if the weather holds it should be a good day!!