Have a google on the class law suits going through in the UK against the Solar Panel roof guys. Peoples houses have been severely damaged by poor quality installation and its another of the miss-selling scandals. I expect with the correct panels, a good installation, and reasonable expectations it can be a fair result for all concerned, but beware.
I think like for like type replacement is only way forward for me, but would be nice to relocate the boiler and electric one may give that option, assuming it doesn’t need a ‘flue’ Sounds cheap if £1600 for ‘boiler’ element. Can it run normal central heating?
After my gas water heater failed, I just wanted to get gas out of my life- and I've succeeded. This place was built with electric storage heaters and I never wanted the disruption and masses of extra plumbing with making good and decorating that gas central heating would require. I've got round that by using the Fischer units. Tiny leccy use and no disruption on making good required - only where the old gas boiler was and I can't blame Fischer for that - well, yes I can! The bar-stewards took away the gas heater and did not re-decorate my kitchen. Clearly, I was ripped.....
I'm not worried at all about it. I trust Fischer and they aren't trying to sell me anything - I asked. They will not be the cheapest but they don't scrimp on materials, or on getting good staff.
An electric boiler is essentially just a big kettle. It can run the conventional LPHW radiators left over from an old gas boiler installation as long as the inbuilt pressurisation unit and circulation pump are sized appropriately. If you live in a hard water area, beware 'kettling' of the immersion unit within the electric boiler. You may need to install appropriate water treatment apparatus too. This will prolong the life of the unit and is money well spent. If you didnt have residual LPHW rads pipework etc, then I guess going elec is probably easier. But its relatively painless to install an LPHW distribution system if you have floor voids and timber floor boards etc. But with everything, a competant installer is required.
The guy did check my meter cupboard. Apparently, I have a 100 kilowatt supply - mega, kilo, or something, but is is 100 and that is quite unusual. Most new houses have 60. If you have 60, then you can ask to be upgraded to 80, but that is the max that you can have, apparently. I've got 100, so that is well powerful enough! This will be a simpler job than the water heater was and that only took a couple of hours. Should be good and I am so looking forward to dumping night-rate. I am tempted to do it now, but that would be tempting fate! To just put on my washing machine and tumble dyer when I want and not for 3am, will be so, so good!
I have to be careful as big leccy usage for a single guy is suspicious. That's why I am trying to save power and generate some of my own... And I am very happy....
Did wonder why the police helicopter is always flying around at night. I'll try more insulation between the roof timbers to keep the heat signature down....
Could be, but I don't think that it is just the fuse. It must mean that the meter and supply is capable of providing that, if demanded and if it was 60 amp then that would be the most that you can demand without upgrading. Dunno why it matters to Fischer as their stuff won't demand anything like it. Could be that the guy just happened to notice.
Ive got a wood burner……..toasty and the fuel is free when you acquire it from Network Rail, does smoke a bit though And I’ve got solar panels on the roof and some big trees in my garden so I must be net zero (unless my mate leaves Network Rail, then I might have to cut the trees down?)
I don't think it could possibly be a 100kw circuit, using my very rusty more than 40 year old physics 100kw at 240v would give you a potential 400+ Watts. If you were smelting aluminium in your shed that may be practical but otherwise I'd think you're looking at a 100Amp circuit maximum.