Brands Hatch Festival Italia 2021

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by hypermotbloke, Mar 8, 2021.

  1. August 15th brands hatch, festival Italia, if there are still demo bike places left you can get in at a reduced rate.
    I have been for the last 4 events, always loads to see, Italian super cars, classics, bikes etc.
    Racing and F1 demos (bring ear plugs).
    If you are going maybe could meet up, COVID permitting.
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  2. I put my application in yesterday for an individual pass, so waiting to see if I get a discounted entry, only 6 places left. Doesn’t look like there are any Ducati clubs attending this year as there was no option to get in a Ducati club area. Let’s hope the weathers good. Only been once before and it was free entry and the weather was amazing, lots to see. I think year before last I didn’t bother because of the weather, might be why there’s a £10 entry this year to encourage more that might not to bother going?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. The tenner is probably to try and generate revenue after a very lean year for circuits.
  4. Whatever, it’s a great day out, I have been every year since they started running it.
  5. I’m sure it is, I wouldn’t not expect to pay an entrance fee unfortunately it’s too far from me to be a realistic proposition.
  6. I’ve had my display confirmation this morning and will be attending subject to the weather.
    Will be travelling M25/26 from Surrey to Wrotham Heath exit if anyone else is going?
  7. I'm going, taking my dad who has never been and wifey, was a good day out last year, will be in the car though, will be meeting some ex members from here ....
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  8. Don’t put too many miles on her Shawani!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Hello buddy. Will be the first ride of the year, not counting the MOT trip! Are you going?
    Are you on a Mutley still?
  10. All good thanks, yes still got the Mutley and I pick up an addition to my stable next Saturday!!

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  11. Nice. Are you going to Brands then?
  12. I’ve just submitted my application, there were 4 spaces left so not too busy for bikes but if the weather holds it should be a good day!!
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